Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Propeller Governor Operation and Maintenance of Propellers Article

Propeller Governor Operation and Maintenance of Propellers - Article Example With the suspension method, the propeller is hanged by cord and the imbalance noted by the eccentricity between the disks attached firmly and the cylinder that is attached to the part under test (FAA, 2012). However, the suspension method is not used frequently as compared to the knife edge method which is simpler and accurate to carry out. The knife edge method involve the use of two hardened steel pieces that are mounted so that there is free rotation of a propeller (assembled) in between them. The setting of this knife edge test should be done in a room or area free from air motion and other form of hard vibration. Whenever a propeller is balanced statically, it remains in that position as compared to the one that is not statically balanced (FAA, 2012). It should be noted that during the balance check, the blades must be at the same angle. This is necessary because it would enable the person checking to have finite details. The propeller should not rotate to any other position unless specified by the manufacturer, as this will avoid damaging the entire propeller

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