Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leadership and power

I. INTRODUCTION lead is an outstanding part of e actually human endeavor- in-person, community- ground or even in a banging or small disposal. There has been a volume of research and studies regarding attractership its theory, fl ar and how end we be an trenchant drawing card using personnel and make up ones mind.First, let us try to define what lead is. leadinghip is a extremity by which a person influences early(a)s to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more(prenominal) cohesive and coherent. Leaders should gather in very heftyness influencing precedents .To guard out the finale of the group or the organisation. Leaders carry out this process by affording their leadinghip attri merelyes, such as belief, values, ethics, character, cheatledge, and skills. lead is a process of meetting d integrity with and with quite a little. Leaders should al shipway remember that drawing cardshiphip is throng oriented. As a favor able attractor, you should become in how to deal, communicate, and manage people. Being a attraction, we should know how to give forth team give-up the ghost in our organization. To be a leader, we must deal with people, develop good rapport with them, apply appropriate persuasion, animize them and influence them to in the counselor of our goals.There ar many reasons why society and organizations posit hard-hitting leading. First, leadership be held responsible for(p) for the growth and development of the organization. The success and chastening of any organizations lies mainly in the give of a leader. Second, leaders provide a guiding purpose for the group or organization. Third, todays concern around the integrity of our institutions emphasizes the need for better descent in government, school commercial enterprise or an organization.Are leaders born or do? good leaders are make non born. If you have the desire and give condition, you back tooth becom e an effectual leader. Good leaders develop finished a eonian process of self-study, education, training, seminar and experience. This guide will friend you through the process.Effective leadership can communicate on the dance floor of conversation. lead is an interactive conversation that pulls people toward bonnie comfortable with the language of personal certificate of indebtedness and commitment.Leadership is non just for people at the top. Everyone can learn to lead by discovering the advocate that lies within each one of us to make a diversion and practicing the law of reciprometropolis.In this es verbalize, it would include the presentation of the critical analysis of one efficacious and inefficacious leader, what contributes to their intensity and unableness, what power and influence did the leaders usance and what their particular organization could do to augment the effectiveness of their leaders and to develop other effective leader.II. BODY OF THE seeAc cording to Ralph Lauren an effective leader has the trance and condemnation that a dream can be procured. This is true in a experience that as leaders, we should be grotesque and believe that our hopes and goals will be achieved.Good leaders are not born but they are made. If we have the desire and will power, we can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developing through time and training. Everybody has the subject matter to develop and grasp leadership skills.Developing such skills will overhaul us to understand how people feel, what motivates them, and the scoop out way to influence them.Being a leader is not an easy task. There are many things to do and to develop for a leader to become an effective leader? The question is, what are the characteristics of an effective leader? For one to be considered as an effective leader, first, a leader should have the fad those leaders who bonk what they do and love what they are doing, give hope and inhalant to his follo wers. Second, an effective leader makes unfit decisions. As a leader, we should be comfortable devising sound decisions. We should gather facts, organize information, and apply good judgement in their picking of action.A good leader can have got and defecate risks for his decisions. Risk takers tend to be achievement-oriented, goal directed, and self-confident. The willingness to try new-made ideas a great deal reaps reward for the separate and the company. According to studies, risk-takers are tantamount to successful leadership. Next, an effective leader is a good communicator wherein they can carry their thoughts and ideas in a very good manner. It includes good oral and written conference skills. They set goals and achieve those goals by communicating to others what they demand to gain support and cooperation.An effective leader also knows how to motivate others to influence other people to produce good results. Motivation of employees will lean away from the autocrat ic methods of the past toward the new way of life of inspiring and passing employees. According to Kotter, author of the Leadership Factor that tells that leadership is the process of pitiable people in some direction mostly through non autocratic means. An effective leader recognizes that people are a key resource to the success of the organization, enter or view. Also, to be an effective leader, he should be a visionary. Leaders should have a clear idea of what they want to do and the strength to persist. An effective leader is a person of integrity, gives trust and is trustworthy.The hobby traits and characteristics stand out as an heavy for success an idle leader is all in all the opposite. First, they create a climate of apprehension wherein the subordinate follow exactly because they are afraid of the leader not because they actually give support to the mission and vision of the company. An ineffective leader avoid changes, they put one overt want to try new ideas . Also in the list of an ineffective leader is that they avoid making tough decisions. Their unwillingness to take risk is simply because they are afraid to commit mistakes. An ineffective leader exhibits character of being anti-social and does not want to accept responsibility.According to Mcshane (2007) one effective leader is chief operating officer of Procter & Gamble (P& G) named Alan George Lafley. As an effective leader, he has knowledge of the business environment in which they operate. For example, he has a thorough knowledge of Procter & Gamble products and market. In this way, he recognizes opportunities and understands the organizations capacity to capture those opportunities. He also receivees self-confidence, he believes in his leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives.Effective leaders are usually extroverted outgoing, sociable, and assertive. Importantly, Lafley also walks the talk his behaviour is aline with the message he conveys. He restructured the c ompany, pruned cost and rekindled a spirit of innovation through special creativity teams. As a leader, Alley has a high train of emotional intelligence. He has the ability to discriminate and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason, and regulate emotion in themselves and others.Last, but not the least, he has the drive for achievement. It represents the inner motivation that leaders possess to pursue their goals and encourage others to move forward. cram inspires an inquisitiveness and need to learn. An ineffective leader is Niccolo Machiavelli. He was one of the historys most enduring characters. He was a bureaucrat and a diplomat for the city states of Florence. He was known for his clever frauds, typeface and expert use of cruelty. He advocates the use of machination, ruthlessness and treachery. He also believes that leaders need to be half-beasts, possessing the foxs guile and the lions brutality. As of present, there are leaders who admire Mac hiavelli. From him, the world produces leaders like Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin. They are ineffective in a sense that they dont care for other people and create an atmosphere of fear.In leadership, the discourse influence is a key word. allure is our ability to change the behaviour military beat of the person. This ability is the result of our power. Leaders set off in their use of their powers. There are many sources of power reward, coercive, legitimate expert, and referent. quit power is the ability to give something of hooey or personal value to others. The rewards perhaps in the form of promotions, bonuses, highly preferable contrast assignments, praise for a job well done or a desired position title.Coercive power is based on fear and punishment. Demotions, dismissals, reprimand, assignment of sulphurous tasks, and public embarrassment is some of the examples of coercive power. This form can direct toward superiors, co-workers or subordinates. Unfortunately, excessiv e use of coercive power is considered to be unacceptable in the work environment especially for the professionals. It may take sabotage or malicious obedience.Because of its capableness for harm, coercive power should be utilise with great care. With the case of Niccolo Machiavelli, he utilize the coercive power . Because he advocated that leaders should be ruthless to his subordinates and he commit treachery among his members. In this kind of power, leaders are power-grabber and power-hungry. They will try to surveil at any cost. Legitimate power is derived from a formal rank or position within an organizational hierarchy. This power is dependent on the formal, established range of command within the organization and the sensed authority of the individual in that position of power.The fourth power is the expert power, it develops when an individual possesses specialized skills, knowledge, or expertise. It can be held by individuals ranging from the chief executive incumbent to the computer technician. Last but not he least is the charisma power. It is a combination of charm and personal magnetism that contributes to a remarkable ability to get other people to endorse your vision. denotive power is based on notice or admiration for the individual that results to personal charisma. Charismatic leaders develop vision, shows conviction and develop self-confidence. In the case of CEO of Procter & Gamble Alan George Lafley, he used the combinations of power like referent power , because he earned the respect and admiration of people in their organization. Expert power because he has the full knowledge regarding the business of P& G. Legitimate power in a sense that he was duly elect to be the Chief Executive officer of P& G.Leadership is not totally for executives alone. Anyone in the organization may be a leader in various ways and times. This view is known as shared leadership or the leaderful organization. Successful organizations empower their empl oyees to take leadership role. They will realize later on that the real encumbrance of leadership is influence, they realize that everybody has leadership qualities and responsibilities.III. CONCLUSIONTruly, we say that leadership is influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which we are members.REFERENCESDalton, M., & Hoyle, D.G. Human transaction 2nd edition. (2000) Ohio SouthWestern Educational publish Thomson Learning.McShane, S. L. & Glinow, M. V. Organizational behavior. (2007) New YorkMc Graw pitchers mound International Edition

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