Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nursing Mentorship Program Essay -- Nursing Practice, Nursing Profess

As Finkelman (2006) stated, â€Å"Mentoring, and important career development to that can be used by nurses any type of set or specialty, can be used to develop the critical leadership skills needed by nurses. All successful leaders have had mentors are our mentors† (Finkelman,2006, p. 390). Currently my facility has a six to months mentoring program for new graduates. This program is in addition to the current preceptor program that orients the new graduates to the unit they will be assigned. Most of these new nurses are graduates from local nursing schools and have done most of their clinical nursing education at this facility. The hospital realizes that going from a classroom and clinical setting to on hands bedside patient care can be a rude awakening. The registered nurses, selected to be mentors are the more experience, knowledgeable and will support and nurture the new grad. These Mentors are the individuals that tell the new nurse what she needs to know and will show her ways to accomplish her goals successfully and expose them to opportunities to learn new things. The nur...

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