Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Explain the main roles and responsibilities of key staff involved in a child’s learning Jobs Essay

1.2 Explain the main roles and responsibilities of key staff involved in a child’s learning Jobs Governors The Governors are the Head of the school and they are volunteers, that are on a panel. They are there to give direction, set accountability and act as a critical friend. They also hire staff, review pay, and look after the curriculum. The head teacher is responsible for all the school, staff under him and for the pupils, their education and discipline. Academies have greater freedom than state run schools, as they have freedom from the local authority. They set their own pay and conditions for staff. The timetable can be changed and days set to what they think is best, and also the curriculum is not set in stone. Sometimes a faith leader can be in charge of the school. Head teacher They are responsible for all the pupils education, managing the staff, talking with governors, ofsted officials and other officials that visit a school. They are the main disciplinarian of a school. They also watch over the funds, health and safety. Deputy head or Assistant head When the head is away the deputy head will be in charge and carry out his roles. He is also responsible for anything delegated by the head teacher. He would normally teach in a classroom and oversee discipline. An assistant head would not be in charge is the head was away Key stage/ phase / subject coordinator To plan Key stages and support staff. They also teach classes themselves Year leader – To oversee all the teachers and pupils in a year. To plan for events to do with that year. Senco – Works with SEN. Liage with parents. Train staff SEN – Works with children with special needs Teacher – Support Teachers assistant in their work. Responsible for the child and their welfare. Plans lessons Ta’s, Hta’s – Mentors Work with Individuals or groups to improve children’s learning Follow the class teachers instructions Support teachers and help with marking They are a good role model to the child and a team player. They must have to follow the schools policies. Leader Manage consistants 1.3 Show how the way in which a school day and week is organised supports a child’s learning Early Years Lots of play and breaks Focused activity Phonics / maths as a game After 30 minutes the children are allowed to go outside to play freely. Primary 1-6 Key stage 1 is aged 5-7 Key stage 2 is 7 – 11 School starts at 9 am The teacher takes the register. The school meet for the assembly 9.30 first lesson Maths or English Core Subject is taught as the mind is more active Break 10 -1030 Other lessons or reading and spelling 12 – 13.10 Lunch Other lessons, art, computers School ends 3pm Secondary Key stage 3 11- 14 Register by form tutor Assembly Short lesson Break Double lesson, the children will move from one class to another depending on  where a subject is taught. In year 9 the pupils will make their subject choices for the coming 3 years In year 11 they do their key stage 4 or Gsce’s and depending on their results they can then apply to join the Sixth form of the school they are at or another schools sixth form or college, where they will do key stage 5, A levels towards their chosen career path. 1,4 In a plan of a classroom show how the layout can support a child’s learning Active involvement Age plus 1 attention span Game play to keep children interested. Junior Rows, structured tables in groups or horseshoes or carpets Group teaching makes children interact with each other Individual working promotes ideas and life skills. The circle method is used to help the children discuss subjects, so they can all see one another. Also for games The horseshoe is led by the teacher. Great for speaking and board work The carpet is so that the children can be focused on closely. Usually in the corner of a room Rows for individual learning. 1.5 Explain the different ways of communication between the school and parents or carers Letters – for when trips are going to take place or if anything happens to the child at school Email to let the parents know what is going on at the school Text / Phone – Urgent message or absence from school. Website – General information on what is happening at the school and their holiday timetable. Contacts for the school. Parents Meetings / Evenings– to inform the parent of their child’s progress throughout the school year and where they need to improve. Newsletter – What ‘s on guide Meetings – Some subjects need discussion. There are also key stages during a child’s schooling that the parents gets told of. Fronter is a online learning environment Keeping Up With Your Child Literacy 1. Understand some of the main approaches to teaching literacy 1.1 Describe the currant approaches to teaching and learning of literacy The approaches are the 3 key areas of reading writing and speaking and learning. All from literacy mainly and focused upon the use of phonics. They use CVC words to start with the sounds S,A,T,M,P. Words like sat, pat, map, are used and blending letters together. 1.2 Give an outline of English in the national curriculum 1.3 Produce a glossary of common literacy terms used in teaching and learning Differentiation is the task that will differ for each child Program of study for each child Look, say, cover, write, check. A way of breaking words up, the use of different colours in the middle sector. 100 high frequency words (the most used words in the vocabulary)2. Know how to support a child to develop literacy skills 2. Know how to support a child to develop literacy skills in everyday life 2,1 Give examples of how the parent / carer can help develop a child’s literacy skills The use of flash cards, sounds and songs can help a child with their memory and association towards different items. TV and video games help with learning and coordination and working out how to do things Play when out helps develop the child by talking about things you see Lists, Labelling and taking them out to the library or a organised activity. 2.2 Plan an activity which will help a child develop literacy skills Go to a farm. Take pencils and blank paper. Make a tick sheet with different types of animals on it, so the child can tick off the animal as they see it. 2,3 Describe the way in which the activity promotes the development of literacy skills We go to the farm and on our way we talk about what we can see on the road which enhances the child’s literacy skills by naming objects and numeracy skills by counting objects. When at the farm, we can talk about each animal, feed them and pet them. You can find out if the child knows what some of the animals are used for on a farm. Get the child to ask questions. When you get home you can get the child to draw pictures and write what they have done for the day. Then when it is bedtime you can get the child to read the story they wrote, then use their imagination to imagine what each animal will do after a long day on the farm. 2. Understand the main features of the school curriculum 2.1 Explain the subjects, levels, and programmes of study within the national curriculum Each child is given a set of subjects that help them learn. These include English, Maths, Geography, History, PE, Design and technology, Music and Art. RE is provided, but they do not have to study this subject. Schools teach general studies like citizenship and foreign Languages which will help develop skills in life. Compulsory in Key stage 3 All subjects for early years with foreign language. Stage 4 is where a student starts their core subjects plus whichever they choose to study. Program of study  This is where you set out the topics needed to be taught for each subject. It also shows what they will learn in different periods of the school year. Each level is there to improve a child’s knowledge and understanding. 2.2 Give reasons for having a national curriculum Equal learning is provided amongst children. It sets out guidelines to the school and parents from the government. It gives aims and structure to a child’s learning. The levels are set throughout the child’s learning year. Everyone is able to follow progress of where a child should be in there learning path, by going online to the governments website for education . 2.3 Explain the reasons for the different key stages At the end of each stage a test is taken by pupils, before they move onto the next key stage. This assesses the level they have obtained during their current key stage and means that if they require any help it can be given to them. Without the key stages, it would be harder to know if a child is developing their learning capacity. 2.4 Explain the different levels of attainment within a key stage. There are 9 levels of attainment which have different performance levels, which are attributed to a child. This gives you an idea how you can help your child improve in certain aspects of their learning. Level Point Score Description 3a 23 Below average 4c 25 About average 4b 27 About average 4a 29 Above national average 5c 31 Above national average 5b 33 Well above national average 5a 35 Well above national average 6c 37 Exceptional 6b 39 Exceptional 2.5 Explain how attainment can be recorded and reported. They can use the SATS (standard assessment test) exam to tell a teacher or parent what level the child has attained during a key stage. Over the period of a key stage the teacher can use mini tests to gauge how a child is developing by the use of a phonics tests at the end of a year. This is also done via parents meetings, a book to show what they have done and through parents talking teachers if they think there is a problem. BE ABLE TO SUPPORT A TEACHER IN A CLASSROOM ACTIVITY 3.1 Explain some of the teaching strategies used within a classroom Pair working, Group working Discussion – think, pair, Share, tests are tracked. No hands up – promotes classroom talking Show me – all children involved ICT – Done in all 4 key stages. IWB (interactive white boards) for a wide range of files for teachers to work with children. Pair / Group work – Is used to aid communication and promote ideas. It helps them in life skills when they leave school. Promotes confidence and assertiveness. Games – Used to teach children different learning skills, like flash cards, or scrabble. Discussion – More widely used these days as it helps shy children come out of their shells. No hands up – Helps children that are less likely to answer a question. The teacher will pick the child to answer instead. Think / pair / share system – Lets a child rehearse an answer with another before having to answer out loud ICT – A tool used in learning. It enables a child to see what a teaching is talking about. Children need to be taught about both sides of the internet. The dangers as well as the fun side. So they are taught information literacy as there are so many fake websites. Also the dangers of chat rooms. Tracking – Is a way of knowing what level a child has reached. The child is aware of their progress and must make 2 sub levels per year. This is a key strategy in the child’s schooling. 3.2 Explain a range of resources used within the classroom As you get older in schooling you will find you need many items, here is a few for each subject. Maths – Protractor, Calculator and compass English – Dictionary, Exercise book, Reading book, Geography – Globe, Atlas, School trip Sports – Balls, rackets, bats, sports equipment, sports gear. General – Pens, pencils, coloured pencils, ruler, scissors videos and tv and pc 3.3 Explain ways in which volunteers / support workers can contribute to the teaching and learning in a classroom Volunteers / support works can support the teacher, by always helping with photocopying, displays, helping individual children, getting the classroom  ready by putting the books out. Add any letters to children’s bags before they go home. Crowd control by moving the children around in an orderly fashion. They can help the children with their daily schooling by hearing them read, watching them write. Encouraging them to do things and give them more confidence to do things on their own. Mentoring and 1-1 work will help individuals get better at classwork. 3.4 The objective is to make a child of age 5 to 9 better at maths and English, by having a general game at the end of a day or weekly You will need 5 different sized plant pots and a ball and a score sheet. You can split the class in to four groups depending on how many teachers are in a class. Say you have 2 teachers and each teacher will take two groups, with 2 sets of resources. The child is asked an English or maths question, if they get it right they get to throw the ball into a plant pot, each plant pot has a number 1-5, 5 being for the smallest and hardest. If the child scores then its put on the score sheet for that team. As the children get used to the game, they can then play it in smaller groups with a question sheet to guide them, then at the end, they can add up the scores. If the school has houses then the points could be used as a class total and collated to see who the top class is. The game can be extended for use with other subjects. You can also use a spin wheel with different questions attached and the child gets to spin the wheel then has to answer the questions. See pic . 3.5 Explain how the activity can support teaching and learning I feel by doing this game it gives a child a goal, as they want to have a go at potting the ball and scoring points. It will give them a different fun learning experience that they could not only play in the classroom but at home too. A child might not like a subject this is a fun way of getting a child to work and learn and a new way for the teacher to show how fun subjects can be. 3.6 cannot answer at the moment as I cannot test it. The role of family learning

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