Sunday, June 16, 2019

Water and Environment science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Water and Environment science - Research Paper spokespersonthe inhabitants of the Portland city since it supplies them with sufficient amounts of fish exchangeable the Chinook, Sockeye and the Chun Salmon, wild animals as headspring as natural sceneries. The bird species are found on the river banks and they embarrass the bald eagles and the great blue herons (Sethajintanin, et al., 114).Willamette River has undergone a tremendous change in the last two hundred years which is characterized by various human activities like the building of dams, dykes, and dredging. There are various sources of pollution in the Willamette River which include the salutary discharge from the cities of Corvallis and Portland whose combined storm as well as the sanitary sewer release untreated sewage in to the river during the rainy season. Oil and fuel spills are common in the river because of the boating activity common in the river. Sediment erosion is common in the area where flood carries polluta nts from upstream areas in to the river thus causing pollution of the river. Household wastes like solvents soaps as well as the household chemicals that are washed down from the roofs and eventually drain into the river (Poor & Jeffrey, 772).The Willamette River is now considered cleaner than it was in the late 1920s and in the 1930s when the river was in a much polluted state that a fish placed in it could die immediately. An authority known as the State Sanitary countenance which was later changed into the Department of Environment Quality. This Authority was responsible for overseeing the cleaning up of the River. In 1968, a major clean up was done which involved the recognition of all major waste discharges were controlled thus making the river much safer (Rojas-Burke, 134). From the results of the data collected from the river it is clear that the temperatures were high during the three testing scenarios because of the times in which the samples were taken. racy temperature s affect the functioning of the aquatic life since their bodies function

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