Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Onion News Network Reader Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Onion News Network Reader Response - Essay ExampleSuch get of awareness has been evoked by such satirical stories highlighted like that of the Japanese tsunami relief, which was followed by serious comments from its viewers.On the other hand, satire news exposes the rot in the government as well as the shortcomings witnessed in most public offices. In the absence of such arenas, the failures and contradictions in many institutions would go unnoticed. Such has been the protagonism of such programs like The Daily Show, which highlights recent ideas and topics of issues that inform the society.Viewers who highly understand the aspect of humor in the satirical news are adequate to understand situations better than the way they are given in the normal news broadcasts. In this light, the shows of Colbert Report have provided useful insights to its viewers (Amarasingam 62). For example, he named a Hungarian bridge after himself in one of the shows, a silly but insightful portray of th e political situation at the

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