Saturday, June 15, 2019

Modern Culture in Western Europe and the US Essay

Modern Culture in Western Europe and the US - Essay ExampleThe first contention is that like Germany, the U.S. insists on payoff driving licenses to teens more than 18 years of age. The U.S. has gone one step further by also requiring written consent from the teens parents ahead issuing not only a drivers license but also a learners permit to teens (Smith 10). This represents the strongest pro-teen driver argument that states, unlike other countries of the world, West European countries and the U.S. have strict driver licensing systems that contain severe training tests that must be fully and properly passed by teens before they get a driving license. The second argument concerns drivers education programs in U.S. proud schools (Haverstock) and the role of driving instructors (Smith 9). This argument states that such(prenominal) school drivers education programs give proper and sufficient training to teens in all matters related to driving, mainly traffic rules and the methods of operating, maintaining and even soon repairing motor vehicles. The knowledge got from the school drivers education program is greatly strengthened when teens use the service of driving instructors. The instructors apply the finishing touches to what has already been learned in school. The third argument is that, as compared to adults, teens rarely drive when rum (Harrop). This argument raises the usual trend of teens not to drink and drive because drunk driving is easily the most common reason for road accidents. The argument further states that this good habit of teens is a clear indication that they are accountable members of society and our country who deserve to be allowed to drive. The fourth argument concerns the education level of teens. Teens are not illiterate morons but study in high schools and colleges where they are gaining a high level of knowledge as they are trained to be our countrys future. They are perfectly aware of the risks convoluted in rash driving and a re responsible enough to decide for themselves if they are competent enough to drive.

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