Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summary for 'the parable of sower' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary for 'the parable of sower' - Essay Example Question #2: The destruction of the gated community where Lauren and her family live. The meeting of Lauren and Taylor Bankole on their journey north marks her first encounter with love. The transformation of her belief that God is change, into a religion and acquiring new followers in the form of Travis and Zahra. The disappearance of Lauren’s father and the death of her brother Keith. The enlargement of the north bound group. Question #3: Lauren Olamina is the leader of the group offering guidance to the group (Mayer 113), and the story is told from her point of view. Harry Balter being the only man initially provides added security. Zahra Moss proves to Lauren that she can teach people to read and write. Taylor bankole acts a source of wisdom and balances the age gap among members of the group because he is older than the rest of the group members. Question #4Dystopia is the setting of a story or film based on the future dysfunction of affairs in a community and members group together for protection against the chaos from outside. Characters group into a group of trusting individuals and shun others they do not trust. Question #7: The empathy disease is a condition of actually experiencing emotional and physical pain or pleasure of other people. Lauren, Grayson Mora, Emery Tanaka Solis, Tori and Doe are ‘sharers’. ‘Sharing’ in society is aimed at portraying the need to understand other peoples’ feelings and the good it could accomplish in attaining a better relationship among individuals. Question #20: The book is an enjoyable read because the issues it address are already present making it easier to identify with the characters’ situation. The book is a good recommendation to those who enjoy fiction based on near true circumstances or

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