Sunday, August 4, 2019

Essays --

Triangle: The Fire That Changed America Disasters can be so impactful; some can forever change the course of history. While many at the time thought this story would soon pass, and with it all the potential bad publicity, the story of the Triangle fire spread quickly, and outraged many people. On a beautiful spring day in March 1911 when 146 workers lost their lives, a fire would prove it could do what years of reformers had failed to do, get the government on the side of the workers. I would argue that the fire largely impacted the country. Specifically, the Triangle Fire ended up changing New York’s interconnected political and economic scene, and spurred on the creation of stricter safety codes. For the first time owners would hold responsibility for their actions. Max Blanck and Isaac Harris; being indicted for manslaughter was proof of this. Social change seemed to be spurred as well; the general public and newspapers would come back the workers of New York. Large institutions would suffer as well. Tammany Hall would be feared less and less by waves of new immigrants. The largest change brought about by the blaze would be legislation. Twenty-five bills, recasting the labor laws of the state The political scene of New York was altered greatly as a result of the Triangle Fire. Still dominated by the machine-boss system, New York was prime example of graft and corruption of politicians. Tammany Hall still reigned supreme, even after the fall of Boss Tweed in the 1870s, and a man named Charles Murphy headed it. In 1909, when workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory went on strike, owners Max Blanck and Isaac Harris used the police and gangsters to get the strikers to give up their cause. The suppliers of these corrupt office... ...arose in New York soon existed throughout the country. Von Drehle makes it very clear in his book that the Triangle fire did in fact, as the subtitle suggests, change America. He gives clear examples of how the Triangle fire led Tammany Hall to almost completely shift its agenda, and how it also led to a plethora of new safety codes. His argument is made especially compelling by how he gives a detailed background of many key people involved and also how he describes in detail how things were before and after the fire. This gives the reader a fuller understanding of the time period around the fire, and therefore shows how much the fire actually changed things. After reading his book, it is abundantly clear that the Triangle fire was a main cause of political change and safety reform in America. Although terrible, it led to many positive changes in American politics.

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