Friday, August 9, 2019

Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Analysis - Case Study Example Some argued that the faucet-mount of PUR will disrupt pitcher product Brita, others believed that the product simply is establishing another market niche and finally other groups are convinced that Brita will simply have to do nothing to foster faucet-mounts (Deighton 1). These are three essential courses of actions that Clorox will have to consider. Clearly, there is another market that faucet-mount is trying to target. For Clorox to be essentially informed more concerning this at the bottom line, prior to the actual necessary decision to protect Brita, market segmentation or customer analysis is necessary. This will not only settle the three varying views as stated earlier, but it will also establish the relevant truth whether faucet-mount has the potential to hurt the established market for Brita. Here is the reason. Market segmentation or customer analysis is a relevant marketing technique that will surely guarantee how to deal with issues concerning the actual management of demand (Lancaster and Massingham 78). This technique puts into consideration the basic elemental mix in marketing like product, price, place, and

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