Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hitler and the collapse of Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Hitler and the collapse of Germany - Essay Example The first four years of its existence, 1919-23 were surrounded by instability and chaos due to a number of reasons. The signing of the treaty of Versailles in June 1919 led to the state being ‘robbed’ of its assets by its Western Counterparts. The German people viewed it as not only the handing over of their land and industrial resources but of their pride and honor as well. This is why many people never came to fully accept the Weimar Republic. From the very beginning, the Weimar Republic faced a number of problems which included tough political opposition, from the left and the right of Weimar itself, economic instability, hostility from the western Allies, and ever increasing inflation. The Republic was under constant threat from political opponents, left, right and center, like the communist leaders Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht. There were uprisings in various parts of Germany, attempts to take over Berlin and about 376 political murders. These rebellious attacks continued until November 1923, when they came to a halt with the failed â€Å"beer hall putsch† attempt by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. Another reason why the Weimar Republic failed was that it was a democratic system and Weimar Germany had been given a purely democratic constitution. But Germany had never been a democratic state and the entire concept was new for it. Also, the general population itself had little trust in the government and the people were disappointed and shattered after Germany’s fall in the World War One. But one of the most serious problems that Germany had to face during those times was the brutal economic conditions. The cost of war was heavy on the state and it had to give up 6.600 million as compensations and damages to the Western Allies. It lost vital portions of land under the treaty of

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