Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Environmental Revolution :: College Admissions Essays

Since the first time having blown bubbles in my Open Water class, I've logged over 100 dives.   This love for diving has evolved into an intense passion towards protecting the ocean, and all of its inhabitants.   I've chosen to put my love for the ocean into action, as an environmentalist.   Actually, this passion extends out towards efforts that look to help all the planetary domains gain protection.   As such, I appreciate when others take the time educate me on those other realms for which I know less about.   To be an environmentalist, one must choose the cause which resonates within ones sole, and run with it.   One must be willing to educate people about the environment while being open to education from those people who support other causes.   Together we can help each other towards learning how to become a true "Environmentalist". We must all encourage positive collaboration and education as opposed to being against something.   For example, sharks are being decimated to near extinction simply for their fins.   The fins are used to make Shark Fin soup, a delicacy popular particularly in Taiwan and Singapore.   It would be easy to blame these communities for creating the demand.   However, in conversing with Asian environmentalists, they liken the culture around eating Shark Fin soup to the culture surrounding Americans eating turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.   There are ongoing efforts to educate these people, by members of their own community, on just how dangerous this cultural practice is and the devastating impact this could have on their (our) world if all the sharks were to disappear as a result. Environmentalists everywhere are making a difference!   Famous restaurants have taken endangered Swordfish off their menus, these same restaurants are buying wild-caught salmon (and boosting the economy of local fisheries in the process), laundromats have started selling green detergent, this just to name a few of these enlightened changes.

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