Friday, October 18, 2019

A response to the reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

A response to the reading - Essay Example As the story starts, the reader cannot discern the intention of the author and one might take offence with the language that sounds discriminatory to one of the races in the world. However, the author’s intention is to highlight the issue of self-preservation in the world and draw attention to a race’s view of another race. While doing this, the author managers to use humor in a distinctive way that makes the reader enthusiastic. All along, the author uses themes and leaves the reader with questions regarding their worldview on both diminutive and abstract aspects of life. Through the interior lives of the characters in the story, the author manages to illustrate the differences between world viewpoints that were dominant in a culture and their fundamental difference with the lives of those affected. Concisely, the author successfully illustrates the meaning of being human in an audacious and prudent approach. In this case, the story delivers a mix of the interaction of past mistakes, successes, new beginnings, and the regrets that individuals live by as the innermost being defines their

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