Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sample Essay on the Ethics of Dating Websites Do People Benefit from Online Dating

Dating industry, similarly to gaming, is huge. If one looks at the statistics, the numbers are impressive: eHarmony has 16.5 million users, has 23.5, and OKCupid has around 30 million with an average of 1 million unique users daily. Last year, a mobile dating app called Tinder invaded the market, which resulted in over 450 million profiles in less than a year. Meanwhile, the total industry’s revenue has been estimated at $1.75 billion. It is not entirely clear who benefits more: the big industry players who own dating websites or the users who surf these websites for online dating. Can users benefit from them at all? For those who are looking for a committed long-term relationship, dating websites might be not the best solution. Of the total number of marriages, 17% are those who met each other on a dating website. The situation with long-term partnerships is not much better: of the committed relationships, 20% have started online. At the same time, about 10% of dating websites users is sex offenders. This suggests that chances of finding a potential spouse are slightly greater than the ones of bumping into an offender. While the main purpose of any dating website seems obvious, which is finding a partner for a relationship of any kind, there is even more to online dating that usually lies hidden. The comparison of online dating realm to the gaming industry in the beginning was not a mere coincidence. People have been talking about gamification of the dating process as a result of technologization. It suggests instant gratification of people’s needs that cannot be momentarily achieved with â€Å"real-life† dating. According to psychologists, a person would rather spend a few minutes assessing a hundred of potential partner’s photos than dedicate an hour to finding out about the other one face to face. Online dating is rewarding. It is fast and it does not require too much of a person’s resources, except for money. Talking about money, a typical dating website client spends around $240 every year. There are a lot of in-platform purchase options that allow users not just to communicate with others, but to have fun as well. Thus, for some, an online dating network is a good way to look for â€Å"the right one† by narrowing down a number of search parameters, while for others it is just a fast reward system. Generally, in order to understand whether people actually benefit from dating websites, one should clarify the purpose with which he or she is using a dating website. If it is online dating as a way of having fun —  an exchange of flirty messages or calls to kill some time — then both parts should agree on this form of interaction. However, if it is a genuine search of a life partner — or at least a search for someone to hang out with face to face — then both parties should leave the limited settings of a dating website as soon as possible and start â€Å"real-life† communication which will turn out to be much more rewarding. References Aretz, W., Demuth, I., Schmidt, K., Vierlein, J. (2010). Partner Search in the Digital Age. Psychological Characteristics of Online Dating-Service-Users and Its Contribution to the Explanation of Different Patterns of Utilization. Journal of Business and Media Psychology, 1. Ehrenberg, A., Juckes, S. White, K. Walsh, S . P. (2008). Personality and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Young People’s Technology Use. CyberPsychology Behavior, 11 (6). Kim , M ., Kwon , K .- N . Lee , M . (2009). Psychological Characteristics of Internet Dating Services Users: The Effect Of Self-Esteem, Involvement, and Sociability on the Use of Internet Dating Services, CyberPsychology Behavior, 12. McKenna , K . Y.A ., Green , A . Gleason , M . (2002). Relationship Formation on the Internet: What’s the Big Attraction? Journal of Social Issues, 58. Valkenburg P.M . Peter, J . (2007). Who Visits Online Dating Sites? Exploring Some Characteristics of Online Daters. CyberPsychology Behavior, 10 (6). Whitty, T. W. (2007). The Art of Selling Ones Self on an Online Dating Site: the BAR Approach. In M. T. Whitty, A. J. Baker J. A. Inman (Eds.). Online matchmaking (pp. 57-69). London: Palgrave Macmillan. Armstrong, L., Phillips, J. G. Saling, L. L. (2000). Potential Determinants of Heavier Internet Usage. International Journal of Human- Computer Studies, 53.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Crohns Disease Essay

Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Crohns Disease Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic disorders that cause inflammation or ulceration in the small and large intestines. Most often IBD is classified as ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease but may be referred to as colitis, enteritis, ileitis, and proctitis. Ulcerative colitis causes ulceration and inflammation of the inner lining of a couple of really bad places, while Crohns disease is an inflammation that extends into the deeper layers of the intestinal wall. Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease cause similar symptoms that often resemble other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (spastic colitis). The correct diagnosis may take some time. Crohns disease†¦show more content†¦These procedures are done by putting the barium, a chalky solution, into the upper or lower intestines. The barium shows up white on x-ray film, revealing inflammation or ulceration and other abnormalities in the intestine. If you have Crohns disease, you may need medical care for a long time. Your doctor also will want to test you regularly to check on your condition. What Is the Treatment? Several drugs are helpful in controlling Crohns disease, but at this time there is no cure. The usual goals of therapy are to correct nutritional deficiencies; to control inflammation; and to relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bleeding in a really bad place. Abdominal cramps and diarrhea may be helped by drugs. The drug sulfasalazine often lessens the inflammation, especially in the colon. This drug can be used for as long as needed, and it can be used along with other drugs. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting, weight loss, heartburn, diarrhea, and headache occur in a small percentage of cases. Patients who do not do well on sulfasalazine often do very well on related drugs known as mesalamine or 5-ASA agents. More serious cases may require steroid drugs, antibiotics, or drugs that affect the bodys immune system such as azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine. Can Diet Control Crohns Disease? No special diet has been proven effective for preventing or treating this disease. Some people find their symptoms are made worse by milk, alcohol, hot spices, orShow MoreRelatedCrohns Disease is Inflammation in the Digestive System Essay709 Words   |  3 PagesCrohn’s disease is a life-long condition effecting victims of any age. It is considered a form of an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive system. The cause of the disease is unknown. The inflammation is due to the immune system attacking the healthy cells throughout the body’s gastrointestinal tract. 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However, it is frequently seen among teenagers And also among young adults in their early twenties, both genders can be affected by this disease. There are two conditions that traditionally comprise inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Ulcerative colitis and crohns disease. ComparisonRead MoreCrohn s Disease And Its Effects On The Ileum And Colon1658 Words   |  7 Pages Crohn’s Disease David Layfield Anatomy and Physiology II BIOL 2402.23001 Prof. Glenn Kasparian Brookhaven College Farmers Branch, TX 3 May 2017 Table of Contents î ¿ ¿Abstract 2 History 3 Physiology 5 Treatment 6 Bibliography 9î ¿ ¾ Abstract Crohn’s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease primarily affecting the ileum and colon. It was first defined in detail in a paper by Burrill B. Crohn and two colleagues, where it was differentiated from other generic bowel diseases. Although they proposed

Monday, December 9, 2019

Exploration of Pharmacology Case for Asthma- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theExploration of Pharmacology Case for Childhood Asthma. Answer: Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory and allergic disease associated with symptoms like insufficient breathing, coughing and wheezing. Childhood asthma is more prevalent and nocturnal cough is the most prominent symptom of it. Patient in this case, Jessica is having asthma. She is five-year child and she is showing symptoms like cold, nasal discharge, nocturnal cough and breath shortness. Risk factors responsible for the occurrence of asthma are cold air, exercise, pollen and viruses. It can also occur due to medications like aspirin and blockers. Genetic factors also play major role in the occurrence of asthma. Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions occur in asthma. In this paper different aspects of asthma in Jessica are discussed. These aspects include pathophysiology, treatment and symptoms related to the asthma. Pharmacology: Constriction is a prominent feature of asthma. Constrictions of the airway can lead to the constriction of muscle surrounding chest which results in the tightness of the chest. Breathing problem in the asthma patients results in the lowered oxygen saturation in asthma patients which results in the diminished supply of oxygen to muscles and cells. Deficiency of oxygen can lead to development of fatigue in asthma patients. Patients with progressive and worsening asthma exhibit nocturnal asthma which results in insomnia and fatigue in the daytime (Krishnan et al., 2012; S124-35). Bronchoconstriction produces shortness of breath in Jessica. Hence, bronchodilator such as salbutamol was being administered to her. Salbutamol in the form of inhalation is useful as bronchodilator in asthma patients. Inhaled salbutamol exhibits peak plasma concentration at 3 4 hours after inhalation. Hence, Jessica can get relieved from the breathlessness after 3 4 hours after its administration. Inhaled salbutamol exhibits average plasma half-life of 4 6 hours. However, literature indicate that salbutamol can exhibit bronchodilation within five minutes of its administration, irrespective of the plasma concentration. Hence, inhaled salbutamol can exhibit its efficacy upto approximately 20 hours because concentration of drug become approximately negligible after 4 half-lives. Salbutamol metabolism occurs through phase II metabolism and it produces glucuronide and sulphated conjugates. Approximately 85 % of the inhaled drug can be detected in the urine after 48 hours. It indicates that there is not complete elimination of drug in Jessica after 48 hours. Hence, there can be bronchodilation and improvement in breathing in Jessica within five minutes of its administration and it can lasts upto 4 6 hours. Inflammation is the main mechanism responsible for the occurrence of asthma. Henceforth, to reduce this inflammation, anti-inflammatory medication such as prednisone is being administered to Jessica. Prednisolone exhibits peak plasms concentration at around 1 3 hours. Hence, it exhibits maximum anti-inflammatory effect at around 3 hours. From the literature, it is evident that there is no correlation exists between the plasma concentration of prednisolone and clinical response. However, it can be considered that alternate day administration with fluctuating plasma concentrations can be considered as the most effective regimen for the administration of prednisolone. However, in case Jessica, STAT dose of prednisolone is advised because she is exhibiting breathlessness. Breathlessness can occur in Jessica due to bronchoconstriction as a result of inflammation and its medicators. Hence, emergency administration of prednisolone is advised in Jessica. Plasms half-life of prednisolone is 2.1 to 3.5 hours. Hence, it can exhibit its effect upto 10 12 hours (Bergmann et al., 2016). Ipratropium inhalation can be used as broncholytic agent in asthma patients. It can be useful to open the congested respiratory tract in asthma patients. Bioavailability of ipratropium is between 1 6 %. Half-life of inhaled ipratropium is 2 hours. Hence, this drug can produce its effect upto approximately 6 hours after its administration. Ipratropium can be excreted in urine and feces as unchanged and as metabolites. It produces eight metabolites, however none of the metabolites are active as anticholinergic drug. It gets metabolized in inactive ester hydrolysis products. Ipratropium bromide is being given to Jessica for three times with 20 minutes apart duration (Norris Ambery, 2013). Hence, it can be useful in maintaining required concentration for exhibiting broncholytic effect in Jessica. Symptoms: Jessica is showing symptoms line coughing and wheezing. Coughing is the most common symptom of asthma. In asthma patients, cough can be of two types like dry cough and wet cough. In children of Jessicas age, there can be augmented intensity and frequency of cough at the night time. It is called as nocturnal cough (Ng How, 2014; 36-41). Cough have categorized into productive and nonproductive cough. In productive cough, phlegm can be expelled; hence bacteria and other particles can have eliminated from the respiratory tract. Henceforth, it is considered as one of the defense and protective systems of the body. However, majority of the Asthma patients produce non-productive cough which is dry in nature (Niimi et al., 2013; 932-7).. Irritants which are risk factors of bronchoconstriction are mainly responsible for non-productive cough. This bronchoconstriction can be treated by administering bronchodilator like inhaled salbutamol. Salbutamol exhibits its action by acting on the 2 adren ergic receptors and it produces agonist activity on this receptor. There are different types of 2 agonists available and salbutamol is the short acting 2 agonist. In the bronchial smooth muscle of the lung, 2 adrenergic receptors are the major receptors. Agonist activity of the salbutamol results in the 2 adrenergic receptors activation, which further produces activation of the adenyl cyclase enzyme. Adenyl cyclase produces its action by catalyzing conversion of adenosine-tri-phosphate (ATP) to adenosine-mono-phosphate (cyclic AMP). Augmentation of the cyclic AMP exhibits its effect by bronchial smooth muscle relaxation (Busse et al., 2016; 54-64). Airway resistance is also a prominent feature of asthma. Salbutamol reduces intracellular calcium ion concentrations in the airway and reduces airway resistance. Increase in the levels of histamine and leukotriene results in the bronchoconstriction. Cyclic AMP level augmentation can lead to inhibition of release of histamine and leukotrie ne. Hence, it produces relaxation effect of airway by inhibiting bronchoconstrictors like histamine and leukotriene (van Buul, 2015; 1713-25). Wheezing is the whistling sound of exhaled air. Wheezing follows forceful flow of air through the narrow and constricted airways. Chronic inflammation and mucus deposition are mainly responsible for the occurrence of wheezing in asthma patients like Jessica. As a result of airway narrowing and bronchoconstriction, insufficient breathing can occur in patients (Pescatore et al., 2014; 8-13). This inflammation can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication like prednisolone. It exhibits its action by different mechanisms such as : acting on feedback mechanism in immune system, anti-inflammatory and as immune suppressant. As a result, it can be useful in different immune medicated diseases like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and sepsis. It produces its anti-inflammatory action by binding to glucocorticoid receptor (Agache, 2013; 249-56). Through this binding, there is activation of glucocorticoid receptors. Its activation initiates two processes like transacti vation and transrepression. Both transactivation and transrepression are responsible for the anti-inflammatory action of prednisone. Transactivation process produces anti-inflammatory effect by upregulation of different anti-inflammatory genes like lipocortin I, p11/calpactin binding protein, secretory leukoprotease inhibitor 1 (SLPI), and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase (MAPK phosphatase). Transrepression process produces anti-inflammatory action by suppressing expression of proinflammatory proteins in cytosol. It results in the prevention of translocation of transcription factors like NF-B from cytosol to the nucleus (Olin Wechsler, 2014, 349). Critical thinking and rationale: Asthma pathophysiology can be categorized in four different aspects like bronchoconstriction, airway edema, airway hyper responsiveness and airway remodeling. Allergens lead to Immunoglobulin E (IgE) dependent secretions like histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. Mast cells released mediators lead to contraction of airway smooth muscles, narrowing of the airways and bronchoconstriction. Jessica also exhibiting shortness of breath due to bronchoconstriction. Inflammation of the airways is mainly responsible for the bronchoconstriction (Mims, 2015; S2-6). Inflammation of the airways and bronchoconstriction are the main hall marks of asthma. Hence, by administration of bronchodilator like salbutamol there can be improvement in the bronchoconstriction in asthma patient like Jessica. By administration of anti-inflammatory drug like prednisolone there can be improvement in the pathological processes like airway edema, airway hyper responsiveness and airway remodeling. Different inflammatory cells like Th2 lymphocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, dendritic cells, epithelial cells, microphases and resident cells of airway play important role in inflammation of airways. Th2 cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 contribute for the inflammation in asthma. Mucus hypersecretion and deposition of mucus plugs due to inflammation produce edema in airway which results in the hindrance for flow of air through airways (Doeing Solway, 2013; 834-43). Anticholinergic drug like ipratropium inhalation can act broncholytic agent to open the respiratory tract. By administration of the anti-inflammatory drug like prednisolone, secretion of these inflammatory mediators can be reversed and further consequences of inflammation like bronchoconstriction, airway edema, airway hyper responsiveness and airway remodeling can be prevented. By preventing these pathological changes breathing insufficiency can be improved and coughing and sneezing can be prevented. Airflow limitati on results in the less oxygen saturation in Jessica. To compensate, less oxygen saturation, Jessica is being supplemented with artificial oxygen with flow rate of 10 - 15L/minute via face mask (Bergmann, 2014; 69-80; West et al., 2013). Medications administered to Jessica can be useful to produce either symptomatic relief or can be useful in the acute stage. Hence, in chronic stage of asthma varied pathological changes like airway hyperresponsiveness subsequent to the chronic inflammation and structural changes can occur. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the airways and lungs can occur due to chronic inflammation. Airway remodeling results in the structural and pathological alterations in the respiratory tract followed by chronic inflammation. It results in the loss of lung function. Airway remodeling produces structural cells activation in the airway, structural alterations of cells in the airway and airway responsiveness alterations. Airway remodeling produces changes like sub-basement membrane thickening, subepithelial fibrosis, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of airway smooth muscle, proliferation and dilation of blood vessels, mucous gland hyperplasia and hypersecretion. Airway remodeling reflects persistent, chronic and progressive feature of the asthma. Airway narrowing and airway modeling results in the forceful flow of air through the airways which can produce coughing and wheezing in the asthma patients. Due to airway narrowing and airway modeling, there is forceful passage of air through airways of Jessica. In Jessica also, this forceful passage of air lead to coughing and sneezing (Bonini Usmani, 2015; 281-93). Hence, it is necessary to administer medications to recover from the airway remodeling. Conclusion: Asthma is a multifactorial disease due to different risk factors and varied symptoms. Symptoms of asthma can be prevented by averting exposure to risk factors like allergens and irritants. Coughing and wheezing are the prominent symptoms of asthma; however, these are also associated with other respiratory diseases. Hence, accurate diagnosis need to be performed for providing specific treatment and management of asthma. Pathological changes in asthma comprises of sequential events like inflammation, edema, bronchospasm, and remodeling. Pathological changes like inflammation and bronchospasm can be treated with medications like anti-inflammatory drugs and bronchodilator inhalation. Multiple mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of asthma; hence it exhibits different symptoms. All these mechanisms can not be targeted by using single drug and all these symptoms can not be treated by using single drug. Hence, research need to be carried to develop drug with multiple effects on varie d mechanisms of asthma. In summary, more research is required for providing complete treatment to asthma patients. References: Agache, I.O. (2013). From phenotypes to endotypes to asthma treatment. Current Opinion In Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 13(3), 249-56. Bergmann, T.K., Barraclough, K.A., Lee, K.J., Staatz CE. (2012). Clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of prednisolone and prednisone in solid organ transplantation. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 51(11), pp. 711-41. Bergmann, K.C. (2014). Asthma. Chemical Immunology and Allergy, 100, pp. 69-80. Bonini, M., Usmani, O.S. (2015). The role of the small airways in the pathophysiology of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease, 9(6), pp. 281-93. Busse, W.W., Dahl, R., Jenkins, C., Cruz, A.A. (2016). Long-acting muscarinic antagonists: a potential add-on therapy in the treatment of asthma? European Respiratory Review, 25(139), pp. 54-64. Doeing, D.C, Solway, J. (2013). Airway smooth muscle in the pathophysiology and treatment of asthma. Journal of Applied Physiology, 114(7), pp. 834-43. Krishnan, J.A, Lemanske, R.F. Jr., Canino, G.J., Elward, K.S., Kattan, M., Matsui, E.C., Mitchell, H., Sutherland, E.R., Minnicozzi, M. (2012). Asthma outcomes: symptoms. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 129(3), pp. S124-35. Mims, J.W. (2015). Asthma: definitions and pathophysiology. International Forum of Allergy Rhinology, 5(l), pp. S2-6. Ng, M.C., How, C.H. (2014). Recurrent wheeze and cough in young children: is it asthma? Singapore Medical Journal, 55(5), pp. 36-41. Norris, V., Ambery, C. (2013). Bronchodilation and safety of supratherapeutic doses of salbutamol or ipratropium bromide added to single dose GSK961081 in patients with moderate to severe COPD. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 26(5), pp. 574-80. Niimi, A., Ohbayashi, H., Sagara, H., Yamauchi, K., Akiyama, K., Takahashi, K., Inoue, H. et al.,(2013). Cough variant and cough-predominant asthma are major causes of persistent cough: a multicenter study in Japan. Journal of Asthma, 50(9), pp. 932-7. Olin, J..T, Wechsler, M.E. (2014). Asthma: pathogenesis and novel drugs for treatment. British Medical Journal, 349, g5517. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g5517. Pescatore,A.M., Dogaru, C.M., Duembgen, L., Silverman, M., Gaillard, E.A., Spycher, B.D., Kuehni, C.E. (2014). A simple asthma prediction tool for preschool children with wheeze or cough. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 133(1), pp. 8-13. van Buul, A.R, Taube, C. (2015). Treatment of severe asthma: entering the era of targeted therapy. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy, 15(12), pp. 1713-25. West, A.R., Syyong, H.T., Siddiqui, S., Pascoe, C.D., Murphy, T.M., Maarsingh, H., Deng, L., Maksym, G.N., Boss, Y. (2013). Airway contractility and remodeling: links to asthma symptoms. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 26(1), pp. 3-12.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Yoga Sutras Essay Example

The Yoga Sutras Paper The Sutras are built on a foundation of Samkhya doctrine. The division into the Eight Limbs ( Sanskrit Ashtanga ) of Yoga is evocative of Buddha s Baronial Eightfold Path ; inclusion of Brahmaviharas ( Yoga Sutra 1:33 ) besides shows Buddhism s influence on parts of the Sutras. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali prescribes attachment to eight limbs or stairss ( the amount of which constitute Ashtanga Yoga , the rubric of the 2nd chapter ) to hush one s head and accomplish kaivalya. The Yoga Sutras organize the theoretical and philosophical footing of Raja Yoga, and are considered to be the most organized and complete definition of that subject. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a book of 195/6 separate phrases that are designed to be easy to memorise. Because it is a work that is every spot as much a portion of modern yoga as it was a portion of the birth of yoga, this peculiar book is held in really high regard in the yoga universe. Philosophic Background We will write a custom essay sample on The Yoga Sutras specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Yoga Sutras specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Yoga Sutras specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are several philosophical constructs, which were pondered over by assorted schools of idea around 600 B.C. to 400 A.D. in eastern part of the universe. The school of Samkhya is one of those philosophical systems. Samkhya, marks the shifting of thought from Vedic monism to the construct of dualism as the primary cause of the existence. In Samkhya doctrine it separating between Self ( Spirit/Consciousness Purusha ) and Matter/Nature ( Prakrti ) is of cardinal importance to Samkhya Philosophy. Samkhya Philosophy elaborates a cardinal dualism between such cognizant Selfs and all the phenomena that is presented to such Selfs by Matter/Nature. Such phenomena of Matter/Nature includes contemplations of the mind, the module that makes things personal ( the I-Maker/Ahamkara ) , the instinctual head ( manas ) , the capacities to comprehend sense informations, the capacities to move, the rules of the elements of sense perceptual experience, and the gross elements. These arise when Prakriti is in the presence of a Purusha, and they become intermeshed and entangled when there is mis-identification between Prakriti and Purusha. False confusion between the Self and what is non the Self is considered the cardinal ignorance that perpetuates bondage in this universe. Liberation is sought by going cognizant of such differentiations on a really deep degree of personal cognition, so that one may finally utilize the great module of the head rational contemplation ( Buddhi/Mahat ) without erroneously placing it with the Purusha, and so the effects of such web will unknot and one will no longer be bound by embodiments or confused by Prakriti In Samkhya doctrine a guna is one of Prakriti s three inclinations : tamas, sattva, and rajas. Guna is the inclination of the head and non the province. For case, sattva guna is that force which tends to convey the head to pureness but is non purity itself. Similarly rajas guna is that force which tends to convey the head to execute some action but is non action itself. Sattva ( originally being, being, entity ) has been translated to intend balance, order, or pureness. This typically implies that a individual with more of Sattva has a positive or even orderly province of head. Such a individual is psychologically sort, composure, qui vive and thoughtful. Rajas leads one to activity. This type of activity is explained by the term Yogakshem. Yogakshem is composed of two words: Yoga and Kshem. Yoga in the present context is geting something that one does non hold. Kshem means losing something that one already has. Rajas is the force that creates desires for geting new things and frights for losing something that 1 has. These desires and frights lead one to activity. Tamas has been translated to intend excessively inactive , negative, unenrgetic, dull, or decelerate. It is the quality of inactiveness which provides coherency for all things. Mentally, it is associated with darkness, psychotic belief, or ignorance. A tamas quality besides can connote that a individual has a suicidal or entropic province of head. That individual is invariably prosecuting destructive activities. Vedanta maintains that Brahman is the lone Immaterial Sentient Existence ; and being non-material and simple, It has to be all pervading and the merely One Reality. Before everything at that place exists Reality as Absolute Consciousness. The Will to go many is the beginning of manifest existence. The Will evolves as Illusion: the Maya. Absolute Consciousness, Brahman, willed to go many , this is Maya. Maya is the cosmic semblance that creates ignorance and veils the vision of the Lone Reality. Due to the power of Maya, the Same Oneness is perceived as multiplex existence. Absolute Consciousness was neer modified, is non modified, and will non be modified. This is the footing of Advaita Vedanta. Based on their experiences the seers or rishis of ancient ages came to the decision that the full manifest existence is the illusive look of One Substance -the Absolute Universal Consciousness. Samkhya with it s double doctrine is said to be the foundation of The Yogasutras and Purusa and Prakriti are a cardinal portion of the text. The beginning of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the subject of some argument among both historiographers and practicians. For case, there are some people who recognition the authorship of this set of sutras to a syntactician named Patanjali. Later, though, a timeline was constructed that showed that to be improbable. Within the yoga community, though, many say that Patanjali was really merely a compiler and that before the work was written, the Sutras were merely memorized and passed down between instructor and pupil. Timelines do, though, suggest this text was constructed in about the 2nd century B.C. An nonsubjective survey might good propose that Patanjali lived within even a more tight scope of 200 BC to 200 AD ( or around the clip of Jesus ) , than some common guesss ( as if he were the second century BCE syntactician by the same name ) or even the 2nd or 3rd centuries CE based on the day of the months of the first extant commentary ( by Vyasa ) . ATHA YOGANUSASANAM Atha = now, Yoga = Of Yoga, Anusasanam = expounding or direction. Now the expounding of Yoga is being made. ( Patanjali Ch-1, Vs-1 ) The name of this text is named utilizing Sanskrit words: yoga, is a mentality wherein you are able to derive command of feelings and ideas likewise. Sutra literally means thread. This yarn is fundamentally the connexion between the sutras in the work. These Sutras are merely combinations of words threaded together sometimes non even good formed sentences with topics, predicates and so on. Within the infinite of these 196 short Sutras, the full scientific discipline of Yoga is clearly delineated: its purpose, the necessary patterns, the obstructions one may run into along the way, their remotion, and precise descriptions of the consequences that will be obtained from such patterns. ( Sri Swami Satchidananda The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Ch-1, Pg-1 ) . Give a brief sum-up of the four chapters The sutras in the text are divided into four books ( chapters ) . Fifty one of the sutras are contained in the book called Samadhi Pada, 50 five of them are in Sadhana Pada, 50 six are besides in Vibhuti Pada, and thirty four of the sutras can be found in Kaivalya Pada. Yoga Sutras Chapter 1 Concentration Samadhi Pada The book Samadhi Pada contains sutras that are most considered cardinal to yoga. It emphasizes that yoga is about subject and that it is the ability to get the hang your feelings and ideas. Many of the most celebrated yoga sutras come from this peculiar book Concentration: Chapter 1 of the Yoga Sutras is entitled Samadhi Pada, which means the chapter on concentration. Chapter 1 describes yoga, witnessing five sorts of ideas, uncoloring ideas, the duplicate rules of pattern and non-attachment, the phases of concentration, attempts and committednesss, obstructions and solutions, and agencies and consequences of stabilising the head. Yoga Sutras Chapter 2 Practice Sadhana Pada In the Sadhana Pada, there is much about pattern since the Sanskrit word sadhana really does average pattern. This chapter is where Kriya Yoga and the eight limbs of yoga foremost look. These facets reflect the thought that yoga is both altruistic and religious. Practices: Chapter 2 of the Yoga Sutras is entitled Sadhana Pada, which means the chapter on patterns. Chapter 2 lineations specific tools of attending that are used to consistently carve out, or cut away the obstructions of the interior mental shield that is barricading the visible radiation of the Self within. This includes the first 5 of the 8 rounds of yoga, known as ashtanga yoga. Yoga in the signifier of action ( kriya yoga ) has three parts: Training and sublimating the senses ( tappa ) , Self-study in the context of instructions ( svadhyaya ) , Devotion and allowing travel into the originative beginning from which we emerged ( iswara pranidhana ) . ( tapah svadhyaya ishvara-pranidhana kriya-yogah ) Tapah = literally heat accepting the purifying facets of painful experience, sublimating action, developing the senses Svadhyaya = lit one s ain or self-study in the context of instructions, recollection of sacred word or mantra Iswara = originative beginning, causal field, supreme Guru or teacher. Omniscient But non Omnipotent pranidhana = practising the presence, dedication, devotedness, resignation of fruits of pattern, or contemplation. Kriya-yogah = yoga of pattern, action, mental purification Kriya Yoga: When believing about life and religious patterns, it is easy so to remind yourself of this foundation by internally stating such words as, I need to develop my senses, explore within, and allow travel of these fond regards and antipathies. Contained in a simple sentence like this is the lineation of Kriya Yoga ( that simple sentence contains tapas, svadhyaya, and ishvara pranidhana ) . Iswara pranidhana: The accent of iswara pranidhana pattern is the release or resignation that is done in a sincere, dedicated, or devotional attitude. It is easy to acquire caught up in arguments over the nature of God, Guru, originative beginning, and teacher. Yoga is really wide and non-sectarian, go forthing it unfastened to each single how to comprehend these worlds. The more of import portion is that of allowing go instead than keeping on to the images and desires of the senses ( tappa ) and the personal features and make-up uncovered through self-contemplation ( svadhyaya ) . Iswara: In the Upanishads, the word Iswara is used to denote a province of corporate consciousness. Therefore, The Lord is non a being that sits on a high base beyond the Sun, Moon, and stars ; Iswara is really the province of Ultimate Reality. But due to the deficiency of direct experience, The God has been personified and given assorted names and signifiers by faiths throughout the ages. When one expands one s single consciousness to the Universal Consciousness, it is called Self-fulfillment, for the person ego has realized the integrity of diverseness, the really implicit in rule, or Universal Self, beneath all signifiers and names. This is the cardinal difference between monism and dualism, one is basically theistic and the other is non. Yoga Sutras Chapter 3 Progressing Vibhuti Pada The Vibhuti Pada can be translated power. The functions of the sutras in this peculiar book are to depict and assist the Berra to accomplish full consciousness through yoga. It is basically about achieving higher degrees of consciousness of one s ego. Progressing: Chapter 3 of the Yoga Sutras is entitled Vibhuti Pada, which means the chapter on come oning. Chapter 3 starts by showing the last 3 of the 8 rounds of yoga, which are concentration, speculation, and samadhi, jointly known as samyama. The remainder of the chapter explains how samyama is used as the finer tool to take the subtler head coverings of ignorance. The last three rounds of Yoga: Dharana ( concentration ) , dhyana ( speculation ) , and samadhi are the concluding three rounds of Yoga. Dharana: Concentration is the procedure of keeping or repairing the attending of head onto one object or topographic point. Dhyana: Meditation is sustained concentration, whereby the attending continues to keep or reiterate the same object or topographic point. Samadhi: Samadhi is the deep soaking up, wherein merely the kernel of that object, topographic point, or point radiances Forth in the head, as if the head were barren even of its ain signifier. Phases of attending: It is attending itself, which is increasingly traveling inward through these few phases: Attention leads to concentration ( dharana ) . Concentration leads to speculation ( dhyana ) . Meditation leads to soaking up ( samadhi ) . Yoga Sutras Chapter 4 Liberation Kaivalya Pada Meaning of Kaivalya: The 4th chapter of the Yoga Sutras is entitled Kaivalya Pada. The word Kaivalya literally translates as isolation. It is normally taken to intend release or enlightenment. However, the manner in which isolation is a rather effectual term is that pure consciousness or purusha is now standing entirely, separate from all of the manifestations of prakriti, including literally all of the manifestations or swirlings of all degrees of the head field. In Sutra 1.16 supreme non-attachment is mentioned as a phase beyond the many other degrees of fond regard. Sutra 4.32 explains how the primary elements called gunas have finished their intent and recede in perfect equilibrium into that from which they arose. These are facets or by-products of the procedure of the isolation ( kaivalya ) of pure consciousness ( purusha ) . Purusa is literally liberated from its fond regard to Prakriti. The intent of the whole of creative activity is to give us a context for understanding what we are and what we are non. When we understand that, so there is kaivalya, and prakrti has fulfilled its intent. A individual who experiences kaivalya sees prakrti, the stuff universe, merely as it is, with no intending beyond that. Kaivalya describes the consequence on the personality of being in a uninterrupted province of samadhi. This is the province of inner freedom that yoga strives for. A individual in the province of kaivalya understands the universe so good that he stands apart from it in the sense that he is non influenced by it, although he may good be in a place to act upon the universe. Peoples in kaivalya behave like normal people, but they do non transport the load of the universe on their shoulders. They live in the universe, but they are non capable to it. They are non free from animal perceptual experience or free of the organic structure, they have a pes in both universes . Wherever they happen to be, they are certain of themselves. That is kaivalya. External forces have no power over a individual like this, though he knows the external universe really good. Choose two of the undermentioned subjects: Yogic construct of the head The Kleshas Kriya Yoga Significance of Iswara The Siddhis The Yogic construct of the head YOGAS CITTA VRTTI NIRODHAH Yogas = Yoga, Chitta = of the head material, Vritti = alterations, Nirodhah = restraint. The restraint of the alterations of the head material is Yoga ( Patanjali Ch-1, Vs-2 ) In this Sutra Patanjali gives the end of Yoga. For a acute pupil this one Sutra would be plenty because the remainder of them merely explicate this one. If the restraint of the mental alterations is achieved one has reached the end of Yoga. The full scientific discipline of Yoga is based on this. Patanjali has given the definition of Yoga and at the same clip the pattern. If you can command the rise of the head into ripplings, you will see Yoga ( Sri Swami Satchidananda The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Ch-1, Pg-3,4 ) . Normally, the word Yoga is translated as brotherhood , but for a brotherhood there should be two things to unify. In this instance, what is to unify with what? So here we take Yoga to intend the Yogic experience. The extraordinary experience gained by commanding the alterations of the head itself is called Yoga ( Sri Swami Satchidananda The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Ch-1, Pg-4 ) . There is a Sanskrit expression ; Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayoho. As the head, so the adult male ; bondage ; or release are in your head. If you feel bound, you are bound. If you feel liberated you are liberated. Thingss outside neither bind nor liberate you ; merely your attitude toward them does that. These vrittis, or mental activities/modifications, are said to be either painful, or non painful. They are quintuple: PRAMANA VIPARYAYA VIKALPA NIDRA SMRTAYAH Pramana = right cognition ; Viparyaya = misconception, Vikalpa = verbal psychotic beliefs, Nidra = slumber, Smritayah = memory The are right cognition, misconception, verbal psychotic belief, slumber and memory ( Patanjali Ch-I, Vs-6 ) Patanjali explains that right-knowledge can be acquired by direct perceptual experience, illation, or testimony. In other words, one can sail the ocean personally and convey back direct cognition, or one can hear of the travels undertaken by another crewman adventurer, or one can read the book written by the crewman on his return. Even right-knowledge is nevertheless limited as the original crewman still can non cognize everything at that place is to cognize about the ocean he is researching. Wrong-knowledge is likened to the psychotic belief we experience when we see something and believe it to be something else, such as a serpent in the dark which proves to be nil but a rope when seen in daytime. Imagination is perceptual experience which is coloured by notional ideas or dreams. The woolgathering stage of sleep known as the REM stage is littered with random idea forms, but even the deep-sleep phase, which leaves no witting hint in the head, is really a phase of idea. The slumberer knows nil, but knows that he knew nil on waking. All immaterial idea is temporarily suspended and merely the idea of emptiness remains to go forth an feeling on waking. Memory is the procedure of retrieving past experience. Each memory is foremost processed to do it toothsome, and so filed for future mention, go forthing an feeling in the head. These feelings can either stay on the surface of the head and be recalled at will, or drop to the underside where they take root. Patanjali describes the restless head as surpassing ( paranga cetana ) and the quiet inward-turned head as ( pratyak cetana ) I.29. When the head focuses on external influences the Self appears to presume the signifiers and images projected by the head. When the vritti activities are quietened through sensory backdown, concentration, and speculation, adult male is said to rest in his true nature. Patanjali gives us two tools which will assist us command the head abhyasa or regular, sustained pattern, and vairagya, a procedure of withdrawal from objects of desire, which is attained as a direct consequence of abhyasa. Patanjali likens both provinces of head to a mirror. When the mirror is dust-covered or smeared, it reflects a deformed image of whatever it reflects. When the mirror is cleaned the image is reflected without deformation, reflecting in its ain kernel samadhi. Patanjali concludes by stating that success in Yoga depends on the strength of our desire for enlightenment, and the sum of attempt we are prepared to set into our pattern. The Siddhis KAYEDRIYA SIDDHIR ASUDDHI KSAYAT TAPASAH Kaya = organic structure, Indriya = senses, Siddhi = supernatural powers, Asuddhi = drosss, kshayat = due to devastation, Tapasah = asceticisms. By asceticism, drosss of the organic structure and senses are destroyed and occult powers gained. ( Patanjali Ch-2, Vs-43 ) Siddhi is a Sanskrit word that literally means accomplishment , attainment , or success . It is besides used as a term for religious power ( or psychic ability ) . The term is used in that sense in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. These religious powers purportedly vary from comparatively simple signifiers of second sight to being able to levitate, to be present at assorted topographic points at one time, to go every bit little as an atom, to happen objects, to hold entree to memories from past lives, and more. There are many positions of achieving Siddhis. One school of idea provinces that they are a normal set of happenings that should non be focused upon because they will draw one from the way. Other positions hold that each siddhi should be pursued because it will let one to understand the power of the Godhead. Siddhis may happen in many ways: of course though the bureau of karma, as a consequence of extended pattern ( sadhana ) , through strict asceticisms ( tapasya ) or by grace. They are frequently mentioned in concurrence with Riddhi ( pl Riddhis ) , which means stuff or worldly wealth, power, epicurean life styles, etc. TRAYAM EKATRA SAMYAMAH Trayam = the three ; Ekatra = upon one object ; samyama = the pattern of dharana, dhyana and samadhi. The pattern of these three ( dharana, dhyana and samadhi ) upon one object is called samyama. ( Patanjali Ch-3, Vs-4 ) From the pattern of samyama, come the siddhis. You dive profoundly into an object or thought, and it releases its secrets. In a manner, scientists have done samyama on the atomic atoms. The atoms released their energy, and the scientists got the cognition of them. They accomplished the truth behind the atoms. Samyama is normally done on objects or thoughts connected with consequences. When the consequences come, you call them siddhis or vibhuti. ( Patanjali Ch-3, Pg-177 ) . TAD VAIRAGYAD API DOSA BIJA KSAYE KAIVALYAM Tad = that ; Vairagyat = by non fond regard ; Api = even ; Dosha bija = seed of bondage ; Kshaye = destroyed ; Kaivalyam = independency. By non fond regard even to that ( all these siddhis ) , the seed of bondage is destroyed and therefore follows Kaivalya ( Independence ) ( Patanjali Ch-3, Vs-51 ) This means that all those siddhis are beautiful, but they will adhere us, because siddhis are the result of the head. The head wants something. It wants to accomplish this or that. What for? To be proud of itself, It develops ego, It makes your I and mine bigger, Selfish desires are still at that place. So are the siddhis bad? If so why are they at that place? I say they are non bad. They are beautiful ; they are good. When? They come to you. When you run after them they are bad. That s all the difference. Let the siddhis semen and beg. Do nt go a slave or attached to siddhis allow them come to you and be used as tools ( Sri Swami Satchidananda The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Ch-3, Pg-199,200 ) . Nine chief Siddhis Parkaya Pravesha: Parkaya Pravesh means one s psyche come ining into the organic structure of some other individual. Through this cognition even a dead organic structure can be brought to life. Haadi Vidya: This Vidya or cognition has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On geting this Vidya, a individual feels neither hunger nor thirst, and can stay without eating nutrient or imbibing H2O for several yearss at a stretch. Kaadi Vidya: Merely as one does non experience hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya, likewise in Kaadi Vidya a individual is non affected by alteration of seasons, i.e. by summer, winter, rain, etc. After carry throughing this Vidya, a individual shall non experience cold even if he sits in the snow-laden mountains, and shall non experience hot even if he sits in the fire. Vayu Gaman Siddhi: Through this Siddhi a individual can go capable of winging in the skies and going from one topographic point to another in merely a few seconds. Madalasa Vidya: On carry throughing this Vidya, a individual becomes capable of increasing or diminishing the size of his organic structure harmonizing to his want. Lord Hanuman had miniaturized his organic structure through this Vidya while come ining the metropolis of Lanka. Kanakdhara Siddhi: One can get immense and limitless wealth through this Siddhi. Prakya Sadhana: Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his adherent to take birth from the uterus of a adult female who is childless or can non bear kids. Surya Vigyan: This solar scientific discipline is one of the most important scientific disciplines of ancient India. This scientific discipline has been known merely to the Indian Yogis ; utilizing it, one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of Sun beams. Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya: This Vidya was created by Guru Shukracharya. Through it, even a dead individual can be brought back to life. I recognise some of these Siddhis from the Shaman rites that are carried out, for illustration the native Americans used rituals/dances and enchantments to empthise and take on the features and power of wolves and bird of Joves, have oning plumes and or wolf hide etc. to assist raise the powers. ( vitamin D ) List the Yama and niyamas and give a brief interlingual rendition of their names. Do you experience they are regulations to be observed? Or are they the consequence of sustained pattern of yoga? Yamas: There are many readings of and sentiments about the Yama and niyamas. While the ancient Indian text, the Bhagavata Purana assigns 12 yogic restraints the Parashar Smriti, another text, puts frontward 10. But the Yama as described in Patanjali s Yoga Sutras there are merely five, which are besides known as the great cosmopolitan vows or the sarvabhauma Maha vratas, because they are non limited by either category, credo, clip or fortunes. They are the guidelines for how we interact with the outer universe, the societal subjects to steer us in our relationships with others. These five are: Ahimsa ( non-violence ) , Satya ( truthfulness ) , Asteya ( non-stealing ) , Brahmacharya ( celibacy ) and Aparigraha ( non-covetousness ) Niyamas: The niyamas are the 2nd components of Ashtanga Yoga. How we interact with ourselves, our internal universe. The niyamas are about self-regulation-helping us maintain a positive environment in which to turn. Their pattern harnesses the energy generated from the cultivation of the earlier Yama. Harmonizing to sage Yajnavalkya, there are 10 niyamas and the Bhagavad Gita lists 11 components. But Patanjali names merely five: Shaucha or pureness, Santosha or contentment, Tapa or asceticism, Swadhyaya or self-cultivation and Ishwar-Pranidhan or speculation on the Divine The Benefits of Practicing Yamas and Niyamas: The Yama and niyamas aid in pull offing our energy in an integrative mode, complementing our outer life to our inner development. They help us see ourselves with compassion and consciousness. They help in esteeming the values of this life, in equilibrating our interior growing with outer restraint. In short they help us to take a conscious-life. Yamas and niyamas are non approximately right and incorrect. They are about being honest with the true Self. Populating harmonizing to these rules are about populating our lives in a better manner, about traveling towards an apprehension, about doing it possible to connect with the Divine. Specify the footings dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Briefly summarise the differences between them. The last three rounds of Yoga: Dharana ( concentration ) , dhyana ( speculation ) , and samadhi are the concluding three rounds of Yoga. Dharana: Concentration is the procedure of keeping or repairing the attending of head onto one object or topographic point. DESABANDHAS CITTASYA DHARANA Desabandhah = adhering to one topographic point ; chittasya = of the head ; dharana = concentration. Dharana is the binding of the head to one topographic point, object or thought. ( Patanjali Ch-3, Vs-1 ) . Dhyana: Meditation is sustained concentration, whereby the attending continues to keep or reiterate the same object or topographic point. TATRA PRATYAYAIKATANATA DHYANAM Tatra = therein ; Pratyaya = flow of knowledge ; Ekatanata = continued ; Dhyanam = speculation. Dhyana is the uninterrupted flow of knowledge toward that object. ( Patanjali Ch-3, Vs-2 ) . Samadhi: Samadhi is the deep soaking up, wherein merely the kernel of that object, topographic point, or point radiances Forth in the head, as if the head were barren even of its ain signifier. TAD EVARTHMATRA NIRBHASAM SVARUPA SUNYAM IVA SAMADHIH Tad eva = that ( speculation ) itself ; Arthamatra = the object entirely ; Nirbhasam = reflecting ; Svarupa = of its ain signifier ; Sunyam = devoid of ; Iva = as if samadhih = contemplation. Samadhih is the same speculation when there is the shinig of the object entirely, as if devoid of signifier. ( Patanjali Ch-3, Vs-3 ) . The differences between Dharana, Meditation and Samadhi are elusive but profound, in my position they are more complimentary than different, they are like a two dimensional saber saw, when joined up becomes 3-dimensional. In Dharana you are developing the head. It is the beginning of speculation. Concentration is the beginning of speculation. Normally, we see our head running here and at that place. When we try to repair it on one thing, within a fraction of a 2nd we see it someplace else, maintaining it fixed on one thing is concentration. Meditation is the apogee of concentration, uninterrupted flow ; it is like pouring oil from one pot into another. The head is fixed ; communicating between meditator and object is steady. Time and infinite has no significance in speculation ; when you feel five proceedingss as an hr, you are non chew overing ; you are still concentrating, whereas when an hr feels like five proceedingss that is speculation. Meditation culminates in the province of Samadhih. One ca nt consciously pattern Samadhih. In Samadhih there is neither the object nor the meditator. There is no feeling of I am chew overing on that .

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

abortion prochoice Vs. prolife essays

abortion prochoice Vs. prolife essays The age-old question, When does life begin? is never more profound then when it is discussed and debated in the context of the abortion issue. In the past forty years the abortion issue has not only been societys problem but a political issue in the United States. Websters Dictionary defines abortion as, The termination of a pregnancy followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Pro-Life and Pro-Choice advocates continue to fight for their positions on the house floor and in the courtrooms of America. The Pro-Choice position does not view abortion as killing an individual human, but as a legal right to terminate a pregnancy. Their position is firmly backed by the Roe Vs. Wade Supreme Court decision. They continue to fight for an America that has legal abortion, because they say a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body. They also believe that unwanted children should not be brought into this world. The new presidential administration offers a distinct shift from the Pro-Choice policy of the Clinton era. America waits to see the outcome of the renewed Pro-Life era of President Bush and his supporters. The arguments for the Pro-Life movements are numerous and passionate. They clearly state their position through a Judeo-Christian worldview, a civilized ethics system, and a Hippocratic view of medicine. A careful juxtaposition of these two views of life will inform on individuals beliefs about abortion The Pro-Choice movement is backed by the Supreme Courts decision on the Roe Vs. Wade decision. To understand the importance of this one must first be acquainted with the case. Roe Vs. Wade was a legal case, decided in 1973 by the U.S. Supreme Court, which held restrictive state regulation of abortion to be unconstitutional. In a 72 vote the Supreme Court upheld the lower court's decision that a Texas statement, that criminalizi...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Dust Veil Environmental Disaster of AD 536

The Dust Veil Environmental Disaster of AD 536 According to written records and supported by dendrochronology (tree ring) and archaeological evidence, for 12-18 months in AD 536-537, a thick, persistent dust veil or dry fog darkened the skies between Europe and Asia Minor. The climatic interruption brought by the thick, bluish fog extended as far east as China, where summer frosts and snow are mentioned in historical records; tree ring data from Mongolia and Siberia to Argentina and Chile reflect decreased growing records from 536 and the subsequent decade. The climatic effects of the dust veil brought decreased temperatures, drought, and food shortages throughout the affected regions: in Europe, two years later came the Justinian plague. The combination killed perhaps as much as 1/3 of the population of Europe; in China, the famine killed perhaps 80% of people in some regions; and in Scandinavia, the losses may have been as much as 75-90% of the population, as evidenced by the numbers of deserted villages and cemeteries. Historical Documentation The rediscovery of the AD 536 event was made during the 1980s by American geoscientists Stothers and Rampino, who searched classical sources for evidence of volcanic eruptions. Among their other findings, they noted several references to environmental disasters around the world between AD 536-538. Contemporary reports identified by Stothers and Rampino included Michael the Syrian, who wrote: [T]he sun became dark and its darkness lasted for one and a half years [...] Each day it shone for about four hours and still this light was only a feeble shadow [...] the fruits did not ripen and the wine tasted like sour grapes. John of Ephesus related much the same events. Prokopios, who lived in both Africa and Italy at the time, said: For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during this whole year, and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it is accustomed to shed. An anonymous Syrian chronicler wrote: [T]he sun began to be darkened by day and the moon by night, while the ocean was tumultuous with spray, from the 24th of March in this year till the 24th of June in the following year... The following winter in Mesopotamia was so bad that from the large and unwonted quantity of snow the birds perished. A Summer Without Heat Cassiodorus, praetorian prefect of Italy at the time, wrote: so we have had a winter without storms, spring without mildness, summer without heat. John Lydos, in On Portents, writing from Constantinople, said: If the sun becomes dim because the air is dense from rising moisture- as happened in [536/537] for nearly a whole year [...] so that produce was destroyed because of the bad time- it predicts heavy trouble in Europe. In China, reports indicate that the star of Canopus could not be seen in as usual in the spring and fall equinoxes of 536, and the years AD 536-538 were marked by summer snows and frosts, drought and severe famine. In some parts of China, the weather was so severe that 70-80% of the people starved to death. Physical Evidence Tree rings show that 536 and the following ten years was a period of slow growth for Scandinavian pines, European oaks and even several North American species including bristlecone pine and foxtail; similar patterns of ring size decrease are also seen in trees in Mongolia and northern Siberia. But there seems to be something of a regional variation in the worst of the effects. 536 was a bad growing season in many parts of the world, but more generally, it was a part of a decade-long downturn in climate for the northern hemisphere, separate from the worst seasons by 3-7 years. For most reports in Europe and Eurasia, there is a drop in 536, followed by a recovery in 537-539, followed by a more serious plunge lasting perhaps as late as 550. In most cases the worst year for tree ring growth is 540; in Siberia 543, southern Chile 540, Argentina 540-548. AD 536 and the Viking Diaspora Archaeological evidence described by Grslund and Price shows that Scandinavia might have experienced the worst troubles. Almost 75% of villages were abandoned in parts of Sweden, and areas of southern Norway show a decrease in formal burials- indicating that haste was required in interments- up to 90-95%. Scandinavian narratives recount possible events that might be referring to 536. Snorri Sturlusons Edda includes a reference to Fimbulwinter, the great or mighty winter that served as a forewarning of Ragnarà ¶k, the destruction of the world and all of its inhabitants. First of all that a winter will come called Fimbulwinter. Then snow will drift from all directions. There will then be great frosts and keen winds. The sun will do no good. There will be three of these winters together and no summer between. Grslund and Price speculate that the social unrest and sharp agrarian decline and demographic disaster in Scandinavia may have been a primary catalyst for the Viking diaspora- when in the 9th century AD, young men left Scandinavia in droves  and sought to conquer new worlds.   Possible Causes Scholars are divided concerning what caused the dust veil: a violent volcanic eruption- or several (see Churakova et al.), a cometary impact, even a near miss by a large comet could have created a dust cloud made up of dust particles, smoke from fires and (if a volcanic eruption) sulfuric acid droplets such as that described. Such a cloud would reflect and/or absorb light, increasing the earths albedo and measurably decreasing the temperature. Sources Arrhenius B. 2012. Helgà ¶ in the shadow of the dust veil 536-37. Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History 2013(5).Arjava A. 2005. The Mystery Cloud of 536 CE in the Mediterranean Sources. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 59:73-94.Baillie M. 2007. The case for significant numbers of extraterrestrial impacts through the late Holocene. Journal of Quaternary Science 22(2):101-109. doi: 10.1002/jqs.1099Baillie MGL, and McAneney J. 2015. Tree ring. Climate 11(1):105-114. effects and ice core acidities clarify the volcanic record of the first millennium of the PastChurakova OV, Bryukhanova MV, Saurer M, Boettger T, Naurzbaev MM, Myglan VS, Vaganov EA, Hughes MK, and Siegwolf RTW. 2014. A cluster of stratospheric volcanic eruptions in the AD 530s recorded in Siberian tree rings. Global and Planetary Change 122:140-150.Engvild KC. 2003. A review of the risks of sudden global cooling and its effects on agriculture. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 115(3–4):127-137. doi:10.1016/s0168-1923(02 )00253-8Grslund B, and Price N. 2012. Twilight of the gods? The ‘dust veil event’ of AD 536 in critical perspective. Antiquity 332:428-443. Larsen LB, Vinther BM, Briffa KR, Melvin TM, Clausen HB, Jones PD, Siggaard-Andersen M, Hammer CU, Eronen M, and Grudd H. 2008. New ice core evidence for a volcanic cause of the AD 536 dust veil. Geophysical Research Letters 35(4)Rigby E, Symonds M, and Ward-Thompson D. 2004. A comet impact in AD 536? Astronomy Geophysics 45(1):1.23-1.26

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Descartes epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Descartes epistemology - Essay Example These ones are often the forerunners of methodology of modern science. It seems that Descartes' epistemology is one of the most significant systems which made (of course, along with other thinkers) philosophic background for modern science, skeptical and highly rational. Both the rise of modern science and the rediscovery of skepticism were key influences on Descartes' epistemology (Stroll; Newman). While Descartes believed that humans were capable of knowledge and certainty and that modern science was developing the superstructure of knowledge, he thought that skepticism presented a legitimate challenge that needed an answer. Thus, the rational cognition was Descartes' answer, but with the number of stipulations. Descartes considered the supposition that all of one's beliefs are false. But Descartes claimed that it is not possible for all of one's beliefs to be false, for anyone who has false beliefs is thinking and knows that he is thinking, and if the person is thinking, then that person exists (Garza). Also, it was obvious that nonexistent things cannot think. So, "Cogito, ergo sum", i.e. "I think; therefore, I am".

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union Essay

Forthcoming Enlargement of European Union - Essay Example As the experience of enlargements demonstrates what was beneficial for one members put the others in front of challenges. As 2007 will obviously be the time for Black-sea basin countries to join the Union, their joining will have the profound effects on Mediterranean basin as a whole, particularly on Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal that are already EU members (Dauderstdt, 2003). The Mediterranean region has always been one of the most specific and vulnerable areas on the planet (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). Being the cradle of world civilization, Mediterranean countries, particularly Middle East and Northern African states (East and South Mediterranean), have also been the homes for world's major problems associated with terrorism, migration, drug and human trafficking and crimes. Also these countries are out of this research analysis, their factor need to be included while assessing specificity of the region and effects EU forthcoming enlargement may have on the EU-Mediterranean members. Additionally, the Balkan states also sharing Mediterranean basin and remaining one of the most problematic "hot spots" in Europe can not be underestimated (Aydin, 2004). With concern of the role of Mediterranean basin in the global politics EU has a specific program for the region (The EU's Mediterranean & Middle East Policy, 2005) In this project I will evaluate... I will provide the all-round analysis of effects of EU enlargement on existing member-states which includes political, socio-economic, and other angles. General effects on EU enlargement on current Mediterranean member-states The challenge of Eastern European states preparing to join the EU for current members is historic not only because it will enlarge the boarders of the Union but primarily because it will align two different types of cultures. Historically Europe has never been homogeneous; the most common understanding implies coexistence of at least two different "Europes", i.e.: Western and Eastern Europe (Dauderstdt, 2003). The watershed between "two Europes" is historical, cultural, economical, political, yet, mental. Most conventionally they are contrasted as catholic and protestant vs. orthodox countries, capitalist states vs. former communist entities, and democracies vs. totalitarian states. Turkey is an exception here as its major difference from the rest of the Europe is religions and mentality-related (Lannon and Maresceau, 2001). In the recent decade the EU will be joined by a group of countries which are dramatically different from the rest of the Europe (Welfens, 2004). However hereinafter I will directly address two countries for which the integration into EU seems to be the most probable, i.e.: Romania and Bulgaria. I will indicate specially when other countries (Turkey and Croatia) will be included in research analysis Both states, as mentioned before, are located in the eastern Mediterranean (Black-sea) basin; they both are orthodox Christian states that represent the former Soviet camp. In a word, they are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Are We Born Good or Evil Essay Example for Free

Are We Born Good or Evil Essay The age old question when discussing man has always been: Is man naturally good or evil? There are many arguments that say that man is naturally evil. There are many counter arguments that say that man is naturally good. Which one is it? Is man naturally good or evil? Thats why Im here. I will present arguments from both sides, and maybe some that share an entirely different argument, and then share my opinion about which I think. This papers purpose is not to tell you which is right, which is wrong, but to get you to think about man and his nature. I must first define the terms good and evil before I am able to discuss which medium man is. I went to to find what the definitions of both terms. Evil produced five definitions, while good produced 41 definitions. I will discuss why this is weird later, but for now, just the definitions. Evil is basically something that is morally wrong. Its something thats intent is to hurt others. Good is basically something that is right, and its intent is to help others or do something for someone else. Now that Ive basically defined the terms, we can now discuss what man is. I conducted a survey on an internet forum asking people what they thought man naturally was. 33% think man is naturally both good and evil, 28% think man is naturally neither good nor evil, 28% think man is naturally evil, and 11% think man is naturally good. When I proposed the question, I was thinking that people would just say good or evil. It was not my intention for them to also say neither or both. What surprised me the most was that good was so low, while evil was so high. Is man naturally evil? Possibly. Many believe that humankind is entirely selfish, only looking out for oneself. Its our animal instinct they say. We do what we must to survive. If that means hurting someone else to get ahead, then thats the way it is. Me, me, me; its always about what I want, and not what anyone else wants. There are wars in our world simply because one side thinks the other is evil and must be destroyed and vice versa. This usually involves religion. Man is evil because Satan persuaded Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. They wanted to be like God, so they ate the fruit. Thats where sin came into play. So because of their act, all mankind is born into sin, which makes man naturally evil. Is man naturally good? Possibly. Even though many people do not think man is good, there are some people that do. They think that love is a natural instinct, and love is good. Man does not have the instinct to hurt or kill simply because they choose to. Man is compassionate. Man wants to be happy. Man wants to love and to be loved. Man cares about whom they love. Humankind tries to help one another in times of need. Man believes in the humanistic perspective, in that mans mind is inherently good, constantly striving to learn more and reach its full potential. Anything that happens along the way is subject interpretation. Once again, religion can come into play. God created man in His image. God is good, which makes man good. Even though sin came upon humankind, man is still created in Gods image, so man must naturally be good. Perhaps man is neither good nor bad. Perhaps when we are born we simply are there, we are neutral. 28% of people say this. They say that man is neutral, and is influenced by their culture on what is good and what is evil. Good and evil are just terms created by man; opinions. Wars are never a battle between good and evil, but rather a battle between differing opinions of what goodness and evil constitute. Good and evil change based on the morals that you learn. There is only the perception of humanity which attempts to give itself some fundamental depth where there is inherently none. Evolution didnt design us to be civilized and polite. We are hunters and gatherers. In the end we are carbon based life forms evolved from single celled organisms. Good and evil are objective constructs. They dont exist without people to perceive them; they are not a priority. For example a soldier can be seen as a hero from one side and a terrorist from another. Its all about perspective. Religion can come into play here as well. Is atheism considered a religion? Is believing in nothing but what you see considered a religion? A belief in God creates a religion, so a belief in something else (in this case, nothing) should create a religion, right? Ill just say belief and leave it like that. The atheistic belief is that the terms good and evil are nothing more than terms, created from religion. They believe that what we see is what we get. Man is born and is influenced into doing things (good or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"evil things). Evil is perspective, as is good. One side of the world may see themselves as good, while another side of the world might see those same people as evil. The terms are simply opinions, nothing more. Maybe man is naturally both good and evil. 33% of people seem to think so. Man always has a choice. Man can either do good, or do evil; their choice. They can choose to hurt or to help. Its easier to go down the dark side and act on greed and other negative impulses, but we have the ability to choose the person we want to be and choose the light side instead. That is what makes man special, instead of a common animal that runs purely on instinct. Man can love and man can hate. Man can kill and man can create life. Man is compassionate. Man is vengeful. Humanity can choose to do good, and choose to do evil. It 50/50; heads or tails. Where do I fall into this? Is man evil, good, both, or neither? I dont believe man is neither good nor bad. I dont believe man is here simply because of chance. I dont believe good and evil are just terms created by man to help ourselves feel better about our choices. Humanity isnt here because of an accident, or because of an explosion. Were too perfect to be. Im not saying man is the perfect being, because we all make mistakes, but were just made up so well I just dont see how we are just an accident. Do I think man is influenced in his decisions from family, culture, or even the media? Yes. But I believe man has this natural instinct to be good or evil. I do believe that man is both good and evil. Man can do great, wonderful, terrible, and horrifying things. Tony Soprano from the television series The Sopranos is a good example. He is a loving husband and father, but hes also a mobster who kills people and puts hits on people. Benjamin Franklin had many ideas for America and even invented electricity, but he was also an adulterous and a very sleazy man. If the perception of man being both good and evil is true, then each decision that humanity makes must be struggle, since good tells you to do one thing, while evil tells you to do something else. Its like youre mind is split in two. I realize thats a stretch, but Im trying to deduce all ideas around this belief. And if man can be both, can they be one or the other? I guess well find out. I do not believe man is naturally evil. Do we have evil tendencies? Sure, but that doesnt mean that the first thing I think of when I see someone is that I want to kill them. I dont wake up every day thinking Oh goody, I get to hurt someone today! because thats just stupid. Do I think that people think this? Unfortunately, yes. I dont think there are many people that do think this, but I believe there are some. People can be selfish, sure, but peoples intentions usually arent to hurt others. There is the exception though, like the popular kids in high school who make fun of the geeks just because they think its funny. Luckily, life isnt like high school at all. Evil is very real in my opinion, but we always have a choice to do evil, and I do my best to avoid it. I do believe that man is naturally good. We as humans strive to be happy. Thats what were all searching for in my opinion. We want to love and to be loved. Plus, man has this wonderful thing called a conscience. Its this little voice inside ones head that tells you when youre doing something wrong. We try to have a good day each day, even if we know that day is going to suck. Humanity tries to help each other out in times of need. Some people give to charities; others become counselors or doctors. Many people when they are children want to become policemen or firemen because, not only do they have cool uniforms, but because they help people. Its very hard to talk about good when all people usually think about is the bad. Even I think more about the bad rather than the good. Is that because I feel bad for thinking about the evil? I think so. The evil might be affecting us in one way or another. We try to do good, but sometimes the evil simply takes over and theres not much to stop it. We simply give in because its easier. Theres a quote in the bible that says The road to hell is straight and wide, and its filled with people, but the road to heaven is shallow and is filled with many turns. There arent many people on this road. I know the quote isnt exactly that, but thats not the point. The point is, doing evil is easy, while doing good is hard. But how can one truly live their lives if all they ever did was the easy thing? Itd be very hard to do. Whats really sad is that at, there are 41 definitions for evil and only five definitions for good. Why is this sad? Because it seems like we as humans always are trying to do good, but for one reason or another, it turns into evil, and so people get hurt. So there are 41 definitions because people get hurt. People usually think about the bad times rather than the good times. We dont really think about good things because we dont think they come in our lives very often, so there are five definitions of good because they seem so far away to attain, even if theyre not. My choice is that naturally, man is good. Sure, we all make mistakes, but when we do we try to learn from those mistakes. I believe that we are not born and are here just because. How can one truly live their life knowing that they are an accident? I dont see how thats possible. Humanity can do terrible, horrible things, but humanity can also do very good, even great things. Finding a cure for cancer, donating to a charity, helping someone paint their house just because they asked with nothing in return, the March of Dimes, Walk for Life, donating to Hurricane Katrina victims, or whatever else. We do a lot of good things yet we never really think about it. Maybe we give someone a quarter to help pay for something just because we have the change, or buying a friend dinner because they dont have any mother. Moving a shopping cart out of the road at Wal-Mart because someone might hit it or letting someone in front of you because they have one item while you have 25. Humanity does more g ood than what they think. We arent evil. We arent here just because. Were just naturally good, and it cant get better than that.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Environmental Revolution :: College Admissions Essays

Since the first time having blown bubbles in my Open Water class, I've logged over 100 dives.   This love for diving has evolved into an intense passion towards protecting the ocean, and all of its inhabitants.   I've chosen to put my love for the ocean into action, as an environmentalist.   Actually, this passion extends out towards efforts that look to help all the planetary domains gain protection.   As such, I appreciate when others take the time educate me on those other realms for which I know less about.   To be an environmentalist, one must choose the cause which resonates within ones sole, and run with it.   One must be willing to educate people about the environment while being open to education from those people who support other causes.   Together we can help each other towards learning how to become a true "Environmentalist". We must all encourage positive collaboration and education as opposed to being against something.   For example, sharks are being decimated to near extinction simply for their fins.   The fins are used to make Shark Fin soup, a delicacy popular particularly in Taiwan and Singapore.   It would be easy to blame these communities for creating the demand.   However, in conversing with Asian environmentalists, they liken the culture around eating Shark Fin soup to the culture surrounding Americans eating turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.   There are ongoing efforts to educate these people, by members of their own community, on just how dangerous this cultural practice is and the devastating impact this could have on their (our) world if all the sharks were to disappear as a result. Environmentalists everywhere are making a difference!   Famous restaurants have taken endangered Swordfish off their menus, these same restaurants are buying wild-caught salmon (and boosting the economy of local fisheries in the process), laundromats have started selling green detergent, this just to name a few of these enlightened changes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Biological Explanation of Unipolar Depression

One biological explanation for unipolar depression is the monoamine hypothesis. The monoamines are a group of neurotransmitters which include serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. You will recognise the latter, dopamine, from the biological offering of an explanation for schizophrenia. The monoamines are believed to regulate mood. One of the functions of serotonin is to regulate the other neurotransmitters. Without the regulation provided by serotonin, erratic brain functioning and thinking patterns occur.Low levels of serotonin produces low levels of noradrenaline (a neurotransmitter needed for alertness, energy, anxiety and attention to life). Evidence suggests that low levels of noradrenaline cause depression, and high levels cause mania, which suggests it is involved both in unipolar and bipolar depression. Dopamine is also related to feelings of alertness, motivation and attention, and so it is suggested low levels of dopamine similarly are linked to depression.Essentially the monoamine hypothesis suggests that low levels of dopamine and low levels of noradrenaline result in depressive moods, and low levels of serotonin mean low levels of noradrenaline. It can therefore be low levels of dopamine or noradrenaline that result in depression, or a mixture of both. The hypothesis is used to work with drug treatment, so that the correct drugs (antidepressants) can be prescribed based on the particular monoamine in question. In other words, when a clinician is presented with a patient, they will choose the correct drug that alleviates the presented symptoms of depression.Most antidepressants work by increasing levels of serotonin. It cannot be concluded that the explanation for depression is strictly biological. The diathesis-stress model explains how some mental disorders can have a biological underlying cause but require an environmental trigger to become active. Evaluation: One strength of the biological explanation of depression is that there is further empi rical support provided by Ogilvie et al. (1996). They showed that cells use a gene called SERT to make serotonin transporter protein which plays an important role in the transmission of information between neurons.In most people, part of this gene called the second intron contains 10-12 repeating sections of DNA. However, people with depression, only have 9 repeating sections of DNA. This suggests that there is wider academic support for the idea that serotonin is strongly associated with depression. There is much sound evidence to support the theory, particularly in treatment – if the hypothesis suggests the symptoms are due to monoamine deficiencies and drugs which replace those monoamines alleviate the symptoms, there is evidence for the hypothesis Kraft et al. 2005) studied 96 depressed patients treated over 6 weeks with SNRI (increases levels of noradrenaline) had a reduction in depressive symptoms compared to those treated with a placebo. Leonard (2000) drugs that lower noradrenaline levels have been found to bring about depressive states. Therefore increasing noradrenaline should decrease depressive symptoms . However, The influence of noradrenaline is recognised by the effects of antidepressant drugs which aim to increase levels of noradrenaline.However, these drugs may also affect other neurotransmitters, so it is difficult to find a clear connection and can be interlined with the critiscism that it is difficult to establish cause and effect. It the chemical imbalance in the brains of depressed people the cause of the depression or the effect of depression? This issue is further complicated by the fact that the answer may be different for different types of depression. In endogenous depression perhaps the chemical imbalance comes first, but the other way round in reactive depression.Supporting evidence for the biochemical explanation of depression is that it has practical applications From research into the effectiveness of treatments such as E CT and drugs. ECT supports the biochemical explanation because one shock of 110 volts is passed through the brain of depressives for up to 4 seconds. This results in convulsions of up to 2 mins. 6-9 treatments are given of 2-4 weeks. For 60-70% of people with depression, ECT works quickly and effectively. As drugs and ECT alter the balance of chemicals in the brain, it suggests clinicians can improve the quality of people’s lives.One weakness of the biological explanation of depression is that there are individual differences. Not everyone who suffers from depression is helped by serotonin-based drugs, which suggests that there are other causes of the disorder. It is also not clear why some people become depressed when their serotonin or norepinephrine level is low, whereas others with the low neurotransmitter level remain depression-free. This suggests that the results gained from such research cannot be generalised to the whole population. Another weakness of the research i s that it is biologically deterministics.The reason for this is because it suggests that individuals who have low levels of serotonin are determined to suffer from depression in later life, however, people have a choice about their behaviour and whether they want to do anything about it. This suggests that the biological explanation does not account for free will. A final weakness of the biological explanation of depression is that it is reductionist. The reason for this is because it explains depression in terms of genes (SERT) and neurotransmitters (serotonin) and ignores psychological factors such as learning.This suggests that the biological explanation is oversimplistic when explaining depression. Alternative explanations for depression is cognitive explanations which is accounted by Beck (1974) who , cognitive theories assume that people's attributions for events, their perceptions of control and self-efficacy, and their beliefs about themselves and the world influence their b ehaviors and emotions when reacting to a situation. In general, an individual with various maladaptive beliefs and attitudes becomes more vulnerable to depression because of his or her generalized negative belief pattern.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

School’s Registration System Thesis

Until now, several schools were note introduce in computer technologies and its efferent systems that's why the proponents decided to develop their school registration system that will help them to organize a student's information instantly. Amazing Grace Academy-Tagging Inc. Was the chosen beneficiary of the proponents. It was founded on 2005 by Pastor Monies Battle and run by his wife Principal Arlene Bat Ill The Christian school was built by pastors of different churches because of their passion about teaching children of Christian gospels and also beyond it.So they decided to build a school that will help one's child intelligence and knowledge about Christian gospels. Then, they created a Christian school named Jesus the Lord and Savior – Foundational Learning Center. As time pass by, it was developed and renamed as Amazing Grace Academy-Tagging Inc. Currently, this school was continually accepting and molding young generation through academic excellence and moral values. Background of the Study The proponents discovered several difficulties about their existing system.It is experiencing different complications through organizing, managing and sorting data by doing it manually. It also consumes a lot of time and effort to reach specific student's information in order for them to edit and add information. Faculty teachers spend a lot of time by writing every students information to their record book as their verification that the students were officially enrolled in Amazing Grace Academy – Tagging Inc. Fortunately, by the concern of the proponents, a new and improved system will be created. This will help them to manage several students' information easily and in a quickest way.It will also lessen the time and effort to document all of the student's information to be their record as their official dents. Admit can easily find, edit and add student's information by searching the student's number, name, section or students school level, and other information of the student using computers owned by the school. Admit can also determine if the student, were transferred from other school, their medical records and school records. Furthermore, the admit can verify an official student by having a registration form in each student.Conceptual Framework Theoretical Framework The act Of recording data or information Of a certain person is called registration. Registering is very useful in recording information for us to know the fact about the person. Usually something is registered to claim more rights, or to protect ownership, or because the law says it must be registered to be used legally. It was use in Births, Deaths and marriages to prove the date and the event happened, in Motor vehicles to prove who owns the vehicle and to identify them and in Books to show the date when copyright protection starts.It was also created to fight crimes. To turn back to 1760 is to realize just how much the world has changed since Load's Register was founded. At that time the sailing ship was the only reliable and speedy form of transport and the steam engine's full potential was only just being developed. Industrialization of the western world had not yet accelerated to encourage the wide-spread exploitation of natural resources such as oil and gas, and the nuclear and jet ages were not even envisaged.The Society for the Registry of Shipping was set up in 1760 by customers of Edward Load's Coffee House in Lombard Street, London. The aim was to give merchants and underwriters recorded information on the quality of their vessels. The Register Book listed vessels rated, or classed, after the condition Of their hulls and equipment had been surveyed. The subscriptions generated by the Register Book paid for the surveyors to carry out the work. This was the true beginning of classification and the Society was the world's first classification society.With its base in one of the world's leading manufacturing nations, the expertise and reputation of Load's Register became attractive to many organizations overseas eager to have assurance on the quality of goods being produced in and shipped from the UK. The First World War brought further opportunities to demonstrate the effectiveness of inspection as means to provide an assurance of quality, from shell steel made for the French, to copper pipes and other products made for shipping in the USA.By 1934 surveyors were inspecting ten million cubic feet of cold storage, not just in the UK but in places such as Antwerp and Basal, Leopoldville and Mated in the Congo, and Singapore. During the Second World War the demands of war accelerated the pace Of change in shipping and industry and Load's Register helped validate many of the innovations. Reconstruction work following the war allowed Load's Register to gradually revive its activities overseas. The mid-shoos saw a long boom in shipping with many new challenges as shipping and shipbuilding influence shifted towards the east.Load's Register saw remarkable growth of its non-marine operations. In the decades following 1960, Load's Register facilitated change as the shipping boom contain due. Ships became ever larger and centralization changed the world by revolutionize the flow of goods. The oil crisis of the early sass led to a deep depression in shipping, but Load's Register rode the tort through its involvement with the expanding energy industry and offshore business, led by the pioneering development for extraction of oil and gas under the North Sea.There followed another difficult period as shipping scarcely grew in terms of tonnage until 1990. At the same time the offshore industry suffered from a collapse in oil prices. Nevertheless, Load's Register strengthened its position in Asia, diversified its offshore operations around the world and consolidated its position as the leading classification society for passenger ships and liquefied natural gas (LONG) carriers. One of the most striking developments was the success of Load's Register Quality Assurance (LIRA), a management systems business established in 1985.A consultancy-based rail business was first considered in the early 1 sass and Load's Register Rail was formed in 1996. Real growth began only a decade later as governments around the world invested massive sums in major rail projects from the Netherlands to Dublin and Taiwan. In the past decade, Load's Register has undergone a cultural transformation to ensure greater financial and commercial awareness. The organization mutinous to grow and serve client needs, remaining competitive in a rapidly changing world.On 2 July 201 2, Load's Register converted its status from an industrial and provident society to a company limited by shares, called Load's Register Group Limited. The shares in Load's Register Group Limited are owned by a new parent, Load's Register Foundation, a registered charity. Scope and Limitations The proponents are in the process of creating Am azing Grace Academy – Tagging Inc. Registration System which allows the user to add, edit, save and record the student's information. It holds a large amount of different dent's information. This stores different information for a long period of time.The user can instantly look for the student's information by using the search engine. Lastly, it is able to print the summary report Of the information of different students. Restrictions were discovered by the proponents while creating their School's Registration System. They discovered that the administrator of the school is merely capable of accessing the School's Registration System and design for the students and staff of Amazing Grace Academy – Tagging Inc. The user is capable of accessing the system by using the application given by the represents.If the user misspelled his/her password while typing, he/she is able to attempt three (3) times to access the School's Registration System. While the user is accessing the system, he/she is allowed to register students from nursery level to grade 6 levels. Finally, the Registration System is merely capable of accessing for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Statement of the Problem Based on the proponents, the general problems Of the study are the following. 1 . What are the software and hardware requirements for the School's Registration System? 2. How many information of the students will be stored n the proponent's system? . How does the proponent's system will improve the work of the user? 4. How does the developed system can maintain every records of the student? 5. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Significance of the Study This study will be significant to the main users of the Amazing Grace Academy – Tagging Inc. It will help them to process a large amount of students information in a faster and accurate way. At the same time, a bunch Of students can accommodate conveniently. Personnel who are assigned to register different information of the students can also aim the convenience aired by the proponent's system.Despite the fact that it can bring convenience to the users; it minimizes the time and effort of the users to register a lot of essential information. This study can also provide ideas to the researchers regarding with proponent's study in understandable way. This will serves as a fresh ground for the researchers who study will be related in the field of Computer Science. Furthermore, it helps the ability of the proponents on how to build a comprehensible computerized system. This will provide them as a challenge to do a better system.