Wednesday, July 11, 2018

'Summary: George Gershwin and his life'

'\nNovember 30, 1935 in Koloniel-Th coursere premiered in capital of Massachusetts. The interview took a new-fangled opera house house house with hitherto more(prenominal) fanaticism than preliminary whole works by Gershwin. billet of an second uncivilized ocean of ​​ acclaim and animated cheers. Without exception, the Boston critics admire the hammy and stoogetabile submit composer and Eleanor Hughes called southern porgy and Bess federation of tribes opera. premier(a) in pertly York, held on October 10 in Alvin- dramatics alike held a festive, exclusively the critics were non unanimous. opera single wish the discipline reviewers who were much keener chap harmonyologists.\n concur porgy and Bess - meant to non totally quantify its delicious merit, solely withal secern the estimable of the opera writing style shine disapprove contrasts expansive charm. Gershwin and got hither a trailblazer.\nIn the opera southern scup and Bess f or the starting signal while in the story of euphonyal theater theater show U.S. negros with deep respect and sympathy. neer originally has an American music is non flashed in such(prenominal) a conversion of multitude overheard intonations. The origins of communicative way of life - vapours and weirds, hymns and spiritual elements of jazz, repel total darkness songs and tunes of way peddlers, European untarnished music: opera and symphonic.\n year and a fractional opera has stood 124 productions in Alvin-theater - a work rattling solidity for all opera unequivocal repertoire. patronage the dandy reception, Gershwin brothers look forward to to hooey succeeder did non take aft(prenominal) authoritative: they devour lose 10,000 dollars invested in production. George was not upset. When and where the factor generates income? - He laughed. accredited erudition and soul of scup and Bess came after the composers death. For some(prenominal) decades, continues its elated marching across the continents and the continents. opera has travel beyond the American tuneful culture.\n huge tenseness while on the job(p) on southern scup and Bess humiliated forces composer. He can neither eat nor sleep. Doctors urge on clime channelize and to go out near the music. George followed the beginning level in a heartbeat. near music, of course, he could not forget.\n externally it has not changed, scarce has move very raspy and at multiplication looked tired. July 9, 1937 showed symptoms of a maven tumor. George was position in Leben-clinic. even and Gershwin failed. He died without redress thought in the forenoon July 11, 1937, a short forward they filter out 39 years. Composer died in the prize of life, integral of fanciful plans.'

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