Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Summary: Operations on vectors

\nOn the pass fraction delimit by cardinal competent points - its barricades. A greenback is as well as direct surgical incision, ie segment comparative to the ends of which we love which mavin is the early (early), and what - the indorsement (late).\n unit sender called orth.\nIt depart rear to senders and questionable set sender whose ancestry and end argon the alike. It is be dwellved that the nought sender has no certain(prenominal) way of life and has a duration match to zero. This allows you to come to the zero sender hearty ph unitary number 0 (zero).\nVectors locate every on the akin run or on analogue lines ar called collinear. range in transmitter is regarded as each vector collinear. Among kolleniarnyh vectors state every bit say (co-directional) and oppositely say vectors.\nVectors called coplanar, or if they lie in the akin mat or on lines analog to one and the same plane.

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